CERN Accélérateur de science

Conference title 14th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics : Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory 2018
Related conference title(s) LL2018
Date(s), location 29 Apr - 04 May 2018, St Goar, Germany

Contributions in Inspire: C18-04-29.1
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Jet cross sections at the LHC with NNLOJET (p. 1)
by Currie, James
NNLO corrections to VBF Higgs boson production (p. 3)
by Cruz-Martinez, Juan
Elliptic polylogarithms and two-loop Feynman integrals (p. 5)
by Broedel, Johannes
Multi-Loop Amplitudes in the High-Energy Limit in N=4 SYM (p. 26)
by Del Duca, Vittorio
Loopedia, a database for loop integrals (p. 34)
by Bogner, Christian
NNLO QCD Corrections to W+jet Production in NNLOJET (p. 41)
by Gehrmann-De Ridder, Aude
Threshold resummation in rapidity for colorless particle production at LHC (p. 43)
by Banerjee, Pulak
Coaction for Feynman integrals and diagrams (p. 47)
by Abreu, Samuel
Cuts and Feynman amplitudes beyond polylogarithms (p. 62)
by Broedel, Johannes

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 Notice créée le 2018-08-10, modifiée le 2018-08-10

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