CERN Accelerating science

Title A digital Front-End and Readout MIcrosystem for Calorimetry at LHC, 1993
Author(s) Alippi, C ; Appelquist, G ; Berglund, S R ; Böhm, C ; Breveglieri, L ; Brigati, S ; Carlson, P J ; Cattaneo, Paolo Walter ; Dadda, L ; David, J ; Del Buono, L ; Dell'Acqua, A ; Engström, M ; Fumagalli, G ; Gatti, U ; Genat, J F ; Goggi, Giorgio V ; Hansen, M ; Hentzell, H ; Höglund, I ; Inkinen, S J ; Kérek, A ; Lebbolo, H ; Le Dortz, O ; Löfstedt, B ; Maloberti, F ; Nayman, P ; Persson, S T ; Piuri, V ; Salice, F ; Sami, M ; Savoy-Navarro, Aurore ; Stefanelli, R ; Sundblad, R ; Svensson, C ; Torelli, G ; Vanuxem, J P ; Yamdagni, N ; Yuan, J ; Zitoun, R
Publication 1993
In: 5th Topical Seminar, San Miniato, Italy, 26 - 30 Apr 1993, pp.180-184
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; RD-16

 Záznam vytvorený 1994-05-17, zmenený 2018-02-09