CERN Accelerating science

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Report number DELPHI-82-1
Title DELPHI: A detector with lepton, photon and hadron identification : Letter of Intent for an experimental program art LEP
Author(s) Crozon, M ; Urban, M ; Richard, F ; Baubillier, M ; Smadja, G ; Degre, A ; Engler, J ; Drees, J ; Myatt, G ; Venus, W ; Filippas, T ; Resvanis, L ; Udo, F ; Monari, L ; Bozzo, M ; Pullia, A ; Ventura, L ; Bosio, C ; Lillestol, E ; Buran, T ; Rybicki, K ; Jarlskog, G ; Ekspong, G ; Kullander, S ; Allaby, J V
Publication 1982
Collaboration DELPHI
Imprint 1982-01
Number of pages 21
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; DELPHI
Other source Inspire


 Record created 2018-06-24, last modified 2021-06-21

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