CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-95-01
Conference title 17th CERN School of Computing
Related conference title(s) CSC '94
Date(s), location 28 Aug - 10 Sep 1994, Sopron, Hungary
Editor(s) Vandoni, Carlo E (ed.) ; Verkerk, Catharinus (ed.)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1995 - 336 p.
Series (CERN School of Computing ; 17)
(CERN Yellow Reports: School Proceedings)
ISBN 9290830697
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-1995-001
Subject category Computing and Computers
Free keywords DAQ ; GEANT ; LHC, data acquisition ; computer security ; multimedia ; software, development ; statistical physics, simulations
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: Inspire
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Interaction and Advances. High Performance Computing in Embedded Systems : from Industrial Requirements to Practicable(p. 1)
by Peise, G
The impact of computing on high energy physics (p. 17)
by Harvey, J
Distributed and Heterogeneous Computing (p. 25)
by Pennington, R L
Networked multimedia (p. 59)
by Flückiger, François
Software development : people, process technology(p. 65)
by Khodabandeh, A
Software for DAQ systems (p. 91)
by Jones, B
GEANT steps into the future (p. 139)
by Giani, S
The H1 Trigger System (p. 157)
by Ribarics, P
Modelling and Simulation (p. 177)
by Sloot, P
Aspects of Simulation in Statistical Physics (p. 227)
by Kertész, J
Massively Parallel Associative String Processor (ASP) for High Energy Physics (p. 235)
by Vesztergombi, G
CISC vs RISC : Bridging the Processor ArchitectuSoftware Gap(p. 275)
by Vajda, F
Parallel Program Supervisor and Parallel Language Processing Generation (p. 281)
by Gaál, T
The CNN Universal Machine : a summary of an analic supercomputer chip architecture for very high speed visual processing(p. 295)
by Roska, T
Overview of data acquisition for LHC (p. 299)
by Cittolin, Sergio

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 Record created 1994-04-15, last modified 2021-07-30

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