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Report number ANL-HEP-PR-93-38 ; AZ-TH-93-20 ; FSU-SCRI-93-145 ; IUHET-257 ; UCSB-TH-93-27
Title Effects of spatial size, lattice doubling and source operators on the hadron spectrum with dynamical staggered quarks at 6/g$^{2}$ = 5.6
Author(s) Bitar, K M ; Edwards, R ; Heller, U M ; Kennedy, A D ; Gottlieb, S ; Kogut, J B ; Krasnitz, A ; Liu, W ; Ogilvie, M C ; Renken, R L ; Sinclair, D K ; Sugar, R L ; Toussaint, D ; Wang, K C
Publication 1993
Imprint Nov 1993
Number of pages 25
Published in: Phys. Rev. D
Subject category Particle Physics - Theory


 Запись создана 1994-01-18, последняя модификация 2014-12-16

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