CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-SL-91-23-DI
Conference title 1st Workshop on LEP Performance
Related conference title(s) LEP Performance
Date(s), location 13 - 19 Jan 1991, Chamonix, France
Editor(s) Poole, John (ed.)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1991 - 457 p.
Series (Report)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP
Free keywords beam diagnostics ; calibration ; optics ; improvements ; upgrades

Corresponding record in: Inspire
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Summary of conclusions of the first LEP performance workshop (p. 1)
by Myers, S
LEP magnetic Field defects (p. 9)
by Gourber, J P
Optical asymmetries (p. 21)
by Von Holtey, G
Residual Dispersion (p. 31)
by Ruggiero, F
Minimum $\beta$* (p. 39)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Operational Aspects (p. 43)
by Bohl, T
Differences Between $e^{+}$ and $e{-}$ (p. 45)
by Cornelis, K
The LEP Model at Injection (p. 51)
by Verdier, A
Alternative magnetic Optics for LEP1 (p. 63)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Discussion (p. 75)
Conclusion from the Optics Session (p. 79)
by Keil, E
Transverse mode coupling Instability in LEP (p. 85)
by Zotter, B
Simulation Studies of Synchro-Betatron Resonances (p. 97)
by Hagel, J
Some Measurements of Synchro-Betatron Resonances (p. 103)
by Jowett, John M
Accumulated current versus vertical tune (p. 107)
by Hofmann, A
Longitudinal Instabilities (p. 109)
by Zotter, B
Damping with a landau Cavity (p. 119)
by Hofmann, A
Injection Rate (p. 121)
by Verdier, A
Losses during ramp and squeeze (p. 125)
by de Rijk, G
Closed Loop tune control (p. 127)
by Schmickler, Hermann
The effects on instabilities of injection at higher energies (p. 133)
by Zotter, B
Conclusions from the intensity Limitations Session (p. 135)
by Hofmann, A
Simulations (p. 139)
by Keil, E
Simulations for $Q_{x}$ > 70 and $Q_{y}$ > 76 (p. 147)
by Keil, Eberhard
Simulations (2) (p. 155)
by Myers, S
Optics Errors (p. 161)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Bunch Equalisation at 45 GeV using the Injection Kickers (p. 169)
by Von Holtey, G
Bunch Equalisation at 45 GeV using the Q-meter Equipement (p. 171)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Improved Diagnostics (p. 175)
by Bovet, Claude
Injector Chain Intensity Limitations (p. 181)
by Brouzet, E
SPS Reproducibility (p. 183)
by Faugier, A
Transfer to LEP (p. 185)
by Hilaire, A
Reproducibility of LEP (p. 193)
by Bohl, T
Filling Time (p. 197)
by Hatton, V
Injection at Higher Energies from SPS Viewpoint (p. 199)
by Bailey, R
Software Priorities (p. 203)
by Lauckner, R
LEP applications development (p. 209)
by Bailey, R
Discussion (p. 217)
Particle backgrounds at the LEP detectors : high beam energies(p. 221)
by Von Holtey, G
Communications (p. 233)
by Clayton, M
On Line Estimation of the Closed Orbit at IP's (p. 239)
by Miles, J
Summary of the requirement from the experiments (p. 243)
by Panman, J
Machine Implications of moving LEP 5 to a low Beta Insertion (p. 245)
by Placidi, Massimo
Discussion (p. 257)
Conclusions from the requirements from Experiments session (p. 259)
by Plane, D
Present Status (p. 265)
by Hofmann, A
Depolariser for energy calibration (p. 271)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Polarimeter Performance and Operation (p. 273)
by Placidi, Massimo
Depolarisation requirements (p. 277)
by Jowett, J
Optimisation of transverse polarisation (p. 281)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Discussion (p. 287)
Conclusions from the polarisation session (p. 289)
by Blondel, A
Description (p. 297)
by Jowett, J
Separator System (p. 319)
by Kalbreier, Willi
Masks and collimators (p. 341)
by Von Holtey, G
Orbit Correction (p. 347)
by Poole, J
RF Implication (p. 349)
by Geschonke, Günther
Injection into 8 Buckets (p. 357)
by Peschardt, E
Discussion (p. 359)
Conclusions from the 8-Bunch Pretzel session (p. 361)
by Gareyte, Jacques
90° Lattice and Insertion (p. 367)
by Brandt, D
RF Voltage at injection (p. 377)
by Ciapala, Edmond
Power converter tolerances (p. 379)
by Proudlock, P
Dynamic Aperture (p. 381)
by Ruggiero, F
Control of RF asymmetries (p. 389)
by Ciapala, Edmond
World-wide Superconducting cavity performance survey (p. 393)
by Tückmantel, Joachim
RF performance (p. 403)
by Geschonke, Günther
Peak performance (p. 409)
by Jowett, J
Discussion (p. 421)
Present Status (p. 425)
by Hansen, S
LEP-SPS Synchronisation (p. 429)
by Peschardt, E
Control room diagnostics (p. 431)
by Peschardt, E
Operational Improvements (p. 435)
by Ciapala, Edmond
Longitudinal feedback systems (p. 443)
by Peschardt, E
Existing transverse fedback system (p. 451)
by Peschardt, E
Digital transverse feedback (p. 453)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Discussion (p. 457)

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 Record created 1993-12-10, last modified 2024-03-08

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