CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-PPE-93-185
Title Photo- and hadro- production of $\phi$(1020), K$*$(892)$^{0}$ and $\overline{K}*$(892)$^{0}$ mesons in the energy range 65 to 175 GeV

Apsimon, R J ; Bagdasaryan, L S ; Gebert, F D ; Atkinson, M ; Baake, M ; Barberis, D (CERN) ; Brodbeck, T J ; Brook, N ; Charity, T ; Clegg, A B ; Coyle, P ; Danaher, S ; Danagulyan, S ; Davenport, Martyn (CERN) ; Dickinson, B ; Diekmann, B ; Donnachie, Alexander ; Doyle, A T ; Eades, John (CERN) ; Ellison, R J ; Fiedler, F ; Flower, P S ; Foster, J M ; Galbraith, William ; Galumian, P I ; Gapp, C ; Hallewell, G D ; Hainloth, K ; Henderson, R C W ; Hickman, M T ; Hoeger, K C ; Hofmann, R P ; Holzkamp, A ; Holzkamp, S ; Hughes-Jones, R E ; Ibbotson, M ; Jakob, H P ; Joseph, D S ; Keemer, N R ; Kingler, J ; Körsgen, G ; Kolya, S D ; Lafferty, G D ; McCann, H ; McClatchey, R (CERN) ; McManus, C ; Mercer, D ; Morris, J A G ; Morris, J V ; Newton, D ; O'Connor, A ; Ödingen, R ; Oganesyan, A G ; Ottewell, P J ; Paterson, C N ; Paul, E ; Reid, D ; Rotscheidt, Herbert ; Sharp, P H ; Söldner-Rembold, S ; Thacker, N A ; Thompson, L ; Thompson, R J ; Waterhouse, J ; Weigend, A S ; Wilson, G W

Publication 1994
Imprint 19 Oct 1993
Number of pages 31
In: Z. Phys. C 61 (1994) 383-398
DOI 10.1007/BF01413177
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; WA69

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire

 Record created 1993-11-30, last modified 2018-09-24

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