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Title Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei; 5, variability of the ultraviolet continuum and emission lines of NGC 3783
Author(s) Reichert, G A ; Rodríguez-Pascual, P M ; Alloin, D ; Clavel, J ; Crenshaw, D M ; Kriss, G A ; Krolik, J H ; Malkan, M A ; Netzer, H ; Peterson, B M ; Wamsteker, W ; Altamore, A ; Altieri, B ; Anderson, K S J ; Blackwell, J H ; Boisson, C ; Brosch, N ; Carone, T E ; Dietrich, M ; England, M N ; Evans, I N ; Filippenko, A V ; Gaskell, C M ; Goad, M R ; Gondhalekar, P M ; Horne, K ; Kazanas, D ; Kollatschny, W ; Koratkar, A P ; Korista, K T ; MacAlpine, G M ; Maoz, D ; Mazeh, D ; McCollum, B ; Miller, H R ; Mendes de Oliveira, C ; O'Brien, P T ; Pastoriza, M G ; Pelat, D ; Pérez, E ; Perola, G C ; Pogge, R W ; Ptak, R L ; Recondo-González, M C ; Rodríguez-Espinosa, J M ; Rosenblatt, E I ; Sadun, A C ; Santos-Lleó, M ; Shields, J C ; Shrader, C R ; Shull, J M ; Simkin, S M ; Sitko, M L ; Snijders, M A J ; Sparke, L S ; Stirpe, G M ; Stoner, R ; Storchi-Bergmann, T ; Sun, W H ; Wang, T ; Welsh, W F ; White, R J ; Winge, C ; Zheng, W
Publication 1993
Imprint Oct 1993?
Number of pages 76
Subject category Other Fields of Physics


 Journalen skapades 1993-11-08, och modifierades senast 2014-12-16