CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 29th Rencontres de Moriond
Related conference title(s) 14th Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, Location unknown
Clusters of Galaxies
Date(s), location 12 - 19 Mar 1994, Méribel, France
Editor(s) Durret, F. (ed.) ; Mazure, A. (ed.) ; Tranthanah Van, J. (ed.)
Imprint Editions Frontieres, 1994 - 439 p.
ISBN 2863321676
Subject category Astrophysics and Astronomy

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C94-03-12.1
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

News on dark matter in glaxies and clusters (p. 3)
by Combes, Francoise
Substructure : clues to cluster formation (p. 23)
by West, Michael J.
Luminosity functions of poor clusters (p. 39)
by Donnelly, R. Hank
Internal dynamics of ESO key-programme clusters (p. 45)
by Hartog, R. den
The mass of the virgo cluster inferred from infall (p. 53)
by Tully, Brent R.
A new survey in the central parts of the coma cluster (p. 57)
by Biviano, A.
A measurement of diffuse light in Abell 665 (p. 65)
by Gaidos, Eric J.
The effect of the cluster environment on galaxies (p. 69)
by Whitmore, Bradley C.
Spirals in clusters do not have falling rotation curves (p. 79)
by Amram, P.
X-ray evolution of clusters of galaxies (p. 83)
by Edge, Alastair
The Butcher-Oemler effect in radio selected groups of galaxies (p. 93)
by Zirbel, Esther L.
Radio properties of galaxies in clusters (p. 101)
by Gavazzi, Giuseppe
Quantitative results from WF/PC imaging of the distant, rich cluster 0016+16 (p. 111)
by Wirth, Gregory D.
Interactions and the blue galaxies in distant clusters (p. 117)
by Lavery, Russell J.
The dynamic state of high redshift clusters (p. 121)
by Castander, Francisco Javier
Farby-perot and multi-filter observations of distant galaxy clusters (p. 125)
by Thimm, guido J.
Color evolution of cluster galaxies from z=0 to z=1 (p. 131)
by Rakos, Karl D.
Large scale morphological segregation in galaxy catalogs (p. 135)
by Dominguez-Tenreiro, Rosa
The structure of clusters of galaxies as observed by ROSAT (p. 139)
by Böhringer, Hans
Observation of the x-ray cluster A2256 with ROSAT (p. 149)
by Briel, Ulrich G.
ASCA data on galaxy clusters (p. 153)
by Yamashita, koujun
Temperature structure and heavy element distribution in the x-ray emitting ICM (p. 163)
by Ikebe, Y.
X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies (p. 167)
by Mushotzky, Richard
A search for substructures in 11 ROSAT clusters using wavelet techniques (p. 183)
by Slezak, E.
Model-ree derivation of the mass distribution from x-ray images of clusters (p. 187)
by Miyoshi, Shiger J.
Gas structures in the cores of clusters (p. 191)
by Fabian, A.C.
X-ray, Radio, and optical structures in cooling flow clusters (p. 199)
by Sarazin, Craig L.
Optical spectroscopy of the ROSAT x-ray brightest clusters (p. 203)
by Crawford, C.S.
The rliability of x-ray constraints of intrinsic cluster shapes (p. 207)
by Buote, David A.
The enrichment of the intra-cluster medium (p. 211)
by Arnaud, Monique
Iron as a tracer in clusters of galaxies (p. 221)
by Renzini, Alvio
ROSAT studies of compact galaxy groups (p. 225)
by Ponman, Trevor
The sunyaev-zel'dovich effect in clusters (p. 231)
by Jones, Michael
Simulations of clusters of galaxies (p. 231)
by Evrard, August E.
Models of the ICM with ejection from galaxies (p. 251)
by Metzler, Christopher A.
Simulations of clusters using HYDRA: adaptive PPPM+SPH (p. 255)
by Thomas, P.A.
The mass function of the adhesion model (p. 259)
by Dubrulle, B.
The fundamental plane of galaxy clusters (p. 265)
by Cappi, Alberto
X-ray emission and S-Z effect from clusters of galaxies. implications for cosmology (p. 283)
by Colafrancesco, Sergio
Dominant galaxies in bimodal clusters (p. 287)
by Baier, F.W.
The galaxy group/cosmology connections (p. 291)
by Mamon, Gary A.
The filtering evolution of peaks (p. 297)
by Salvadore-Sole, Eduard
mass distribution in Luminos x-ray clusters (p. 303)
by Smail, Ian
Rich clusters of galaxies and the origin of strusture in the universe (p. 315)
by Efstathiou, G.
Superclusters on the sky (p. 327)
by Scaramella, Roberto
Observations of cluster correlations (p. 331)
by Sutherland, Will
Arcs and arclets in clusters of galaxies (p. 343)
by Soucail, G.
Applications of gravitationally lensed long arcs in clusters of galaxies (p. 353)
by Miralda-Escude, Jordi
Simulations of gravitional lensing by clusters of galaxies (p. 363)
by Wambsganss, Joachim
Detectability, and incidence of E+A galaxies in the distant cluster C10939+47 (p. 371)
by Belloni, Paola
Comparing the ambient Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from clusters with primary CMB anisotropies (p. 375)
by Bond, J.R.
Dynamical evolution of infalling groups on clusters of galaxies (p. 377)
by Capelato, Hugo V.
High-order correlations of rich galaxy clusters (p. 381)
by Cappi, Alberto
No arc in the double quasar? (p. 383)
by Dahle, H.
Dynamical and structural properties of A3558 (p. 385)
by Dantas, Christine C.
The inadmissibility of radial number density profiels of galaxy clusters (p. 387)
by Baier, F.W.
Non-ploytropic model with galactic winds for clusters of galaxies (p. 389)
by Fusco-Femiano, R.
Arcs in x-ray selected clusters (p. 391)
by Gioia, I.
Dynamics of substructures immersed in galaxy clusters (p. 395)
by Gonzalez-Casado, Guillermo
On the radk matter distribution around a cluster of galaxies in the cosmic string scheme (p. 397)
by Hara, Tetsuya
Medium redshift clusters of galaxies: M/L in CL0017-20 and CL0500-24 (p. 399)
by Infante, L.
A multi-wavelength mass estimate of a z=0.31 cluster (p. 401)
by Liang, Haida
Non-spherical collapse and the mass function (p. 407)
by Monaco, P.
Observational support for the gurzadyan-kocharyan relation in clusters of galaxies (p. 409)
by Monaco, P.
Mass determination of clusters of galaxies with ROSAT/PSPC data (p. 411)
by Neumann, Doris M.
The detection of extended HI absorption in Abell 2597 (p. 413)
by O'Dea, C.
A ROSAT search for clusters around powerful radio galaxies (p. 415)
by O'Dea, C. P.
ROSAT HRI observation of the gravitational lens cluster A2390 (p. 417)
by Pierre, M.
Butcher - Oemler effect: bursts or truncated star formation? (p. 419)
by Poggianti, B.M.
Dynamical parameters in two cD rich clusters (p. 421)
by Quintana, H.
Veloities in the shapley supercluster (p. 423)
by Quintana, H.
Gravitational lensing by the rich cluster AC114 (p. 425)
by Smail, Ian
Detection of diffuse hot ionized gas in groups with central early type galaxies (p. 429)
by Thiering, I.
The population of galaxies in the distant cluster Cl 1613+310 (p. 431)
by Vilchez-Gomez, R.
Applications of gravitationally lensed long arcs in clusters of galaxies
by Miralda-Escudé, J

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 Record created 1993-10-01, last modified 2021-07-30

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