CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 7th DPF Meeting
Related conference title(s) DPF '92
The Fermilab meeting DPF 92, v.1
Date(s), location 10 - 14 Nov 1992, Batavia, IL, USA
Editor(s) Albright, Carl H (ed.) ; Kasper, Peter H (ed.) ; Raja, R (ed.) ; Yoh, John K (ed.)
Corporate author(s) American Physical Society. New York. Division of Particles and Fields
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1993 - 2 v.
ISBN 9789810219574 (v.1)
9810219571 (v.1)
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords CP violation ; Higgs ; QCD ; charm ; electroweak ; rare decay ; strange
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

String loop corrections to gauge and Yukawa couplings (p. 6)
by Antoniadis, Ignatios
New results from LEP experiments (p. 53)
by Ting, Samuel C C
Recent progress in lattice QCD (p. 247)
by Sharpe, S R
A Preliminary Measurement of Rb=Γ(Z0b¯b)/Γ(Z0 Hadrons) at SLD (p. 342)
by Su, D
Probing the WWγ vertex in e±p --> νγX (p. 366)
by Doncheski, M A
The Sudbury neutrino observatory (p. 732)
by Norman, E B
A study of jet rates and measurement of αs at the Z0 resonance (p. 881)
by Lauber, J A
A test of the flavor independence of αs at the Z0 resonance (p. 884)
by Junk, T R
Measurements of Gluon Spin-Sensitive Quantities at the Z0 Resonance (p. 898)
by Fan, C G
The five gluon amplitude and one-loop integrals (p. 901)
by Bern, Zvi
The gluon density (p. 954)
by Berger, E L
Double photon production in polarized proton-proton collisions (p. 1039)
by Doncheski, M A
Evolution of electroweak bubbles (p. 1409)
by Kamionkowski, M P
Test of a longitudinally-segmented CsI array for a tau-charm factory detector (p. 1669)
by King, M E
Beam tests of reconfigurable-stack calorimeter (p. 1702)
by De Barbaro, P
New studies of CsI readout and radiation hardness for the SLAC B factory detector
by Eigen, G
Remarks on a possible leptonic decay mode of the proton
by Rudaz, S
The η6 and massive photon pairs at LEP
by White, Alan R
Recent results on L = 1 charmed mesons
by Shukla, S P
Nonperturbative QCD effects in weak nonleptonic decays
by Blok, B Yu
Status of electroweak measurements
by Marciano, W J
Status of the 17-keV neutrino
by Caldwell, D O
Semileptonic decays of D mesons and the heavy quark effective theory
by Amundson, J F
PEP II : rf and feedback R&D
by Hindi, H A
The QCD Teraflops project
by Gottlieb, S
Measurement of BR(KL --> μ+μ) : overall results from BNL E791
by Schwartz, A J
The radiatively corrected charged Higgs sector of the minimal supersymmetric model
by Díaz, M A
Probing the weak boson sector in p¯p --> Zγ
by Baur, Ulrich
Heavy fermion mass predictions and renormalization group equations
by Knowles, I G
QCD thermodynamics closer to the continuum
by Mawhinney, Robert D
Direct photon production
by Berger, E L
Test for right-handed b quark decays
by Amundson, J F
Status of QCD
by Ellis, Richard Keith
Kinematics of the Higgs boson at hadron colliders : gluon resummation
by Qiu, J
Neutral Higgs boson search in a two doublet model
by Crosetti, G
Performance of a silicon CCD pixel vertex detector in the SLD
by Strauss, M G
Resummation for Drell-Yan differential distributions
by Laenen, Eric
One-loop constraints on the electroweak triple gauge boson vertex
by Zeppenfeld, Dieter
Large flavor changing neutral couplings of the top quark
by Hou, G W S
Stringy CPT violation and the K¯K system
by Kostelecky, V A
Toponium production at hadron colliders
by Kühn, J H
A QCD "manifesto" on inclusive decays of beauty and charm
by Bigi, Ikaros I
Quenched hadron spectrum of QCD
by Kim, S
Neutrino production of same-sign dimuons at the Fermilab Tevatron
by Sakumoto, W K
A determination of αs from e+e- collisions at TRISTAN energies
by Li, Y
Fluctuations and scaling in high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions
by Pan, J
The Fermilab main injector
by Mishra, C S
MILAGRO : a low threshold water Cerenkov air shower array
by Klein, S
B physics
by Cassel, David G

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