String loop corrections to gauge and Yukawa couplings (p. 6) |
by Antoniadis, Ignatios |
New results from LEP experiments (p. 53) |
by Ting, Samuel C C |
Recent progress in lattice QCD (p. 247) |
by Sharpe, S R |
A Preliminary Measurement of Rb=Γ(Z0→b¯b)/Γ(Z0→ Hadrons) at SLD (p. 342) |
by Su, D |
Probing the WWγ vertex in e±p --> νγX (p. 366) |
by Doncheski, M A |
The Sudbury neutrino observatory (p. 732) |
by Norman, E B |
A study of jet rates and measurement of αs at the Z0 resonance (p. 881) |
by Lauber, J A |
A test of the flavor independence of αs at the Z0 resonance (p. 884) |
by Junk, T R |
Measurements of Gluon Spin-Sensitive Quantities at the Z0 Resonance (p. 898) |
by Fan, C G |
The five gluon amplitude and one-loop integrals (p. 901) |
by Bern, Zvi |
The gluon density (p. 954) |
by Berger, E L |
Double photon production in polarized proton-proton collisions (p. 1039) |
by Doncheski, M A |
Evolution of electroweak bubbles (p. 1409) |
by Kamionkowski, M P |
Test of a longitudinally-segmented CsI array for a tau-charm factory detector (p. 1669) |
by King, M E |
Beam tests of reconfigurable-stack calorimeter (p. 1702) |
by De Barbaro, P |
New studies of CsI readout and radiation hardness for the SLAC B factory detector |
by Eigen, G |
Remarks on a possible leptonic decay mode of the proton |
by Rudaz, S |
The η6 and massive photon pairs at LEP |
by White, Alan R |
Recent results on L = 1 charmed mesons |
by Shukla, S P |
Nonperturbative QCD effects in weak nonleptonic decays |
by Blok, B Yu |
Status of electroweak measurements |
by Marciano, W J |
Status of the 17-keV neutrino |
by Caldwell, D O |
Semileptonic decays of D mesons and the heavy quark effective theory |
by Amundson, J F |
PEP II : rf and feedback R&D |
by Hindi, H A |
The QCD Teraflops project |
by Gottlieb, S |
Measurement of BR(KL --> μ+μ−) : overall results from BNL E791 |
by Schwartz, A J |
The radiatively corrected charged Higgs sector of the minimal supersymmetric model |
by Díaz, M A |
Probing the weak boson sector in p¯p --> Zγ |
by Baur, Ulrich |
Heavy fermion mass predictions and renormalization group equations |
by Knowles, I G |
QCD thermodynamics closer to the continuum |
by Mawhinney, Robert D |
Direct photon production |
by Berger, E L |
Test for right-handed b quark decays |
by Amundson, J F |
Status of QCD |
by Ellis, Richard Keith |
Kinematics of the Higgs boson at hadron colliders : gluon resummation |
by Qiu, J |
Neutral Higgs boson search in a two doublet model |
by Crosetti, G |
Performance of a silicon CCD pixel vertex detector in the SLD |
by Strauss, M G |
Resummation for Drell-Yan differential distributions |
by Laenen, Eric |
One-loop constraints on the electroweak triple gauge boson vertex |
by Zeppenfeld, Dieter |
Large flavor changing neutral couplings of the top quark |
by Hou, G W S |
Stringy CPT violation and the K¯K system |
by Kostelecky, V A |
Toponium production at hadron colliders |
by Kühn, J H |
A QCD "manifesto" on inclusive decays of beauty and charm |
by Bigi, Ikaros I |
Quenched hadron spectrum of QCD |
by Kim, S |
Neutrino production of same-sign dimuons at the Fermilab Tevatron |
by Sakumoto, W K |
A determination of αs from e+e- collisions at TRISTAN energies |
by Li, Y |
Fluctuations and scaling in high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions |
by Pan, J |
The Fermilab main injector |
by Mishra, C S |
MILAGRO : a low threshold water Cerenkov air shower array |
by Klein, S |
B physics |
by Cassel, David G |