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Report number KEK-Preprint-92-183
Title Symmetry violations under space reflection and time reversal and neutron spin rotation
Author(s) Masuda, Y ; Adachi, T ; Asahi, K ; Doi, M ; Ishimoto, S ; Masaike, A ; Matsuda, Y ; Morimoto, K ; Mori, Y ; Sakai, K ; Sato, H ; Shimizu, H M ; Jian Zu Zhang
Publication 1993
Imprint Jan 1993
Number of pages 8
Presented at 10th International Symposium on High-energy Spin Physics, Nagoya, Japan, 9 - 14 Nov 1992
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
Other source Inspire


 Zapis kreiran 1993-04-14, zadnja izmjena 2017-01-12