CERN Accelerating science

Title The NA48 liquid krypton prototype calorimeter

Barr, Giles David ; Buchholz, P ; Carosi, R ; Coward, D H ; Cundy, Donald C ; Doble, Niels T ; Gatignon, L ; Gonidec, A ; Hallgren, Björn I ; Kesseler, G ; Lacourt, A ; Laverrière, G C ; Linser, G ; Mast, M ; Schilly, P ; Schnizel, D ; Seidl, W ; Taureg, Hans ; Wahl, H ; Wicht, P ; Bertanza, L ; Bigi, A ; Calafiura, P ; Casali, R ; Cerri, C ; Fantechi, R ; Gennaro, G ; Gorini, B ; Mannelli, I ; Marzulli, V M ; Pierazzini, G M ; Schiuma, D ; Sergiampietri, F ; Bédérède, D ; De Beer, M ; Debu, P ; Peyaud, B ; Kreutz, A ; Griesmayer, E ; Markytan, Manfred ; Neuhofer, Günther ; Pernicka, Manfred ; Taurok, Anton ; Viehhauser, G ; Wulz, Claudia Elisabeth (HEPHY, Vienna, Austria)

Publication 1992
In: 6th Wire Chamber Conference, Vienna, Austria, 17 - 21 Feb 1992, pp.393-397
DOI 10.1016/0168-9002(92)90320-4
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA48
Abstract The NA48 experiment for a precision measurement of the CP violation parameter $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ in $K^{0} \to 2\pi$ decays will require a fast electromagnetic calorimeter with excellent energy and time resolution. A quasi homogeneous calorimeter using liquid krypton and a fast readout with 40 MHz FADCs is proposed. A prototype with 400 kg of liquid krypton was built and tested in an electron beam. Results for the energy, space and time resolution of this prototype are given.

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 レコード 生成: 1993-02-28, 最終変更: 2019-03-13