CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors
Related conference title(s) Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics
Date(s), location 26 - 31 May 1991, La Biodola, Italy
Editor(s) Baldini, A (ed.) ; Scribano, Angelo (ed.) ; Tonelli, Guido (ed.)
Imprint 1992
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords ALEPH ; DELPHI ; L3 ; OPAL ; SSC ; UA2 ; WA84 ; calorimetry ; data acquisition ; factories ; luminosity ; particle ; scintillator ; survey ; tracking ; trigger ; vertex

Contributions in Inspire: C91-05-26
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Tracking strategies for magnetic detectors at high luminosity and high energy (p. 6)
by Seiden, A
Spiral projection chambers : experience and prospects(p. 48)
by Gastaldi, Ugo
Use of a high-resolution, scintillating fibre, tracking detector in recording $\pi^{-}$-nucleon interactions at $\sqrt{s}$ $\appprox$ 26 GeV (p. 67)
by Adinolfi, M
The micro spiral projection chamber ($\mu$SPC) (p. 74)
by Gastaldi, Ugo
Fast (<1 ns) gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes for frontier physics (p. 77)
by Peskov, Vladimir
Ultrafast secondary emission X-ray imaging detectors : a possible application to TRD(p. 82)
by Akkerman, A F
A fast RICH detector for particle identification in the 0.7 to 3 GeV/c range for LHC heavy-ion collisions (p. 113)
by Nappi, E
Experience with the ALEPH silicon vertex detector (p. 121)
by Moser, H G
Development of silicon micropattern (pixel) detectors (p. 133)
by Delpierre, P A
Results on radiation hardness of silicon detectors up to neutron fluences of 10$^{15}$ n/cm$^{2}$ (p. 149)
by Wunstorf, R
Progress on high-resolution tracking with scintillating fibres : a new detector based on capillaries filled with liquid scintillator(p. 177)
by Martellotti, G
SVX test beam results (p. 188)
by Bedeschi, F
D0 vertex drift chamber construction and test results (p. 193)
by Clark, A R
The design of the L3 silicon microvertex detector (p. 197)
by Caria, M
Cryogenic detectors for experiments in elementary particle physics (p. 201)
by Booth, N E
The ICARUS liquid argon TPC : a complete imaging device for particle physics(p. 223)
by Bettini, A
Test beam results from the D0 liquid argon end calorimeter electromagnetic module (p. 279)
by Spadafora, A L
Liquid argon calorimetry with LHC-performance specifications (p. 285)
by Gianotti, F
Recent results from the Spaghetti Calorimeter project (p. 299)
by Wigmans, R
R & D results on scintillating tile/fiber calorimetry for the CDF and SDC detectors (p. 317)
by De Barbaro, P
High-resolution, low-energy e.m. Pb-SCIFI calorimetry : an investigation on fibres and tests on photon beam with low-energy photons(p. 322)
by Bianco, S
High resolution crystal calorimetry at LHC (p. 332)
by Schneegans, M
Progress and prospects in the development of new scintillators for future high energy physics experiments (p. 337)
by Lecoq, P
On the calibration of the electromagnetic component of a Spaghetti Calorimeter at a multi-TeV hadron collider (p. 344)
by Hao, W
A simple light detector gain measurement technique (p. 349)
by Bencheikh, B
First results on the spaghetti calorimeter projective prototype (p. 354)
by Contin, A
First results on the hybrid photodiode tube (p. 375)
by DeSalvo, R
The design, status and performance of the ZEUS central tracking detector electronics (p. 397)
by Cussans, D G
CMOS low noise monolithic frontends for Si strip detector readout (p. 425)
by Weilhammer, Peter
The ZEUS first level tracking trigger (p. 431)
by Heath, G P
First and second level triggers for the SDC silicon tracking detector (p. 436)
by Foster, B
The challenge of triggering and data acquisition at supercollider experiments (p. 460)
by Mapelli, Livio P
New buses and links for data acquisition (p. 478)
by Müller, H
Studies of helium gas-mixtures for low mass tracking detectors (p. 494)
by Playfer, S M
The S.C.I.C. detector : an unconventional design for the detection of low-energy (200-300) MeV photons(p. 513)
by Bianco, S
Development of microstrip gas chambers on thin plastic supports (p. 521)
by Florent, J J
Optimization of the microstrip gas counter (p. 529)
by Geijsberts, M H J
Results from the first use of microstrip gas chambers in a high-energy physics experiment
by Angelini, F

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1992-11-23, last modified 2021-07-30