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Report number DPNU-92-40 ; KEK-Preprint-92-129 ; TUAT-HEP-92-05
Title Study of a drift chamber filled with a helium-ethane mixture
Author(s) Uno, S ; Sakai, Y ; Tsukamoto, T ; Abe, K ; Adachi, I ; Nozaki, T ; Saitó, M ; Sasaki, O ; Yamaoka, H ; Emi, K ; Nitoh, O ; Takahashi, K ; Aoki, M ; Kajikawa, R ; Miyabayashi, K ; Nakano, E ; Ohnishi, Y ; Shimozawa, K ; Sugiyama, A ; Suzuki, S ; Teramae, F ; Toyama, T ; Yamaki, T
Publication 1992
Imprint Sep 1992
Number of pages 23
Published in: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Other source Inspire


 Record created 1992-11-11, last modified 2014-12-16