CERN Accelerating science

Conference title General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
Related conference title(s) Towards the LHC experimental programme
Date(s), location 5 - 8 Mar 1992, Evian-les-Bains, France
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva ; ECFA ; European Committee for Future Accelerators. Geneva
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 752 p.
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Opening talk (p. 29)
by Flügge, Gunter
Physics with proton beams, I (p. 33)
by Llewellyn Smith, Christopher Hubert
Physics with proton beams, II (p. 55)
by De Rújula, Alvaro
Heavy ion physics at the LHC (p. 95)
by Heinz, Ulrich W
Electron-proton physics (p. 119)
by Wolf, Guenter
The ASCOT detector at the LHC : expression of interest(p. 137)
by Norton, Peter R
CMS : a compact solenoidal detector for LHC : expression of interest(p. 165)
by Della Negra, Michel
EAGLE : Experiment for Accurate Gamma, Lepton and Energy measurements : expression of interest(p. 219)
by Jenni, Peter
L3 detector upgrade for LHC : extended L3 Collaboration : expression of interest(p. 303)
by Ting, Samuel C C
An LHC collider beauty experiment for CP-violation measurements (p. 391)
by Schlein, Peter E
Measurement of CP-violation in B-decays using an LHC extracted beam : expression of interest(p. 407)
by Carboni, Giovanni
A study of CP violation in B-meson decays using a gas jet at LHC : expression of interest(p. 427)
by Nakada, Tatsuya
Neutrino physics at LHC : expression of interest(p. 449)
by Winter, Klaus
A neutrino experiment at LHC : expression of interest(p. 467)
by Vannucci, François
A dedicated heavy ion experiment at the LHC : Expression of interest(p. 479)
by Schukraft, Jürgen
A feasibility study of using DELPHI as a detector for heavy ion collisions at LHC : expression of interest(p. 511)
by Jarlskog, Goran
A heavy ion experiment with CMS at LHC : expression of interest(p. 527)
by Ramello, Luciano
The RHIC experimental programme (p. 539)
by Ludlam, Thomas W
HERA News (p. 555)
by Wagner, Albrecht
Status of detector R&D (p. 575)
by Iarocci, Enzo
Triggering and data acquisition (p. 609)
by Cittolin, Sergio
Computing and networking (p. 633)
by Innocenti, Pier Giorgio
The SSC experimental programme (p. 651)
by Stefanski, Raymond J
The LHC machine (p. 685)
by Brianti, Giorgio
Experimental areas and scenarios (p. 709)
by Eggert, Karsten
Closing remarks (p. 729)
by Rubbia, Carlo
Physics with a jet target at LHC : expressions of interest not presented at the meeting(p. 749)
Low p$_{t}$ physics at the LHC : expressions of interest not presented at the meeting(p. 750)
by Mondardini, M R
Total cross section, elastic scattering and diffraction dissociation at LHC : expressions of interest not presented at the meeting(p. 751)
by Bozzo, Marco
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Norton, Peter R
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Wolf, Guenter
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Heinz, Ulrich W
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Pauss, Felicitas
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Carboni, Giovanni
5-8 Mar 1992: 650 physicists meet in Evian to discuss experiments on CERN's new accelerator project, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
by CERN Audioivisual Unit
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Ting, Samuel C C
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Rubbia, Carlo
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Eggert, Karsten
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Brianti, Giorgio
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Stefanski, Raymond J
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Innocenti, Pier Giorgio
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Cittolin, Sergio
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Iarocci, Enzo
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Ludlam, Thomas W
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Schükraft, Jürgen
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Winter, Klaus
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Nakada, Tatsuya
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Schlein, Peter E
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Jenni, Peter
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Llewellyn Smith, Christopher Hubert
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Flügge, Gunter
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Jenni, Peter
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Della Negra, Michel
Towards the LHC experimental programme : General Meeting on LHC Physics and Detectors
by Della Negra, Michel

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1992-05-04, last modified 2021-07-30

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