| The RaDIATE collaboration (Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments), founded in 2012, has grown to over 50 participants and 11 institutions globally. The primary objective is to harness existing expertise in nuclear materials and accelerator targets to generate new and useful materials data for application within the accelerator and fission/fusion communities. Current activities include post-irradiation examination of materials taken from existing beamlines (such as the NuMI primary beam window from Fermilab) as well as new irradiations of candidate target materials at low energy and high energy beam facilities. In addition, the program includes thermal shock experiments utilizing high intensity proton beam pulses available at the HiRadMat facility at CERN. Status of current RaDIATE activities as well as future plans will be discussed, including highlights of preliminary results from various RaDIATE activities and the high level plan to explore the high-power accelerator target relevant thermal shock and radiation damage parameter space. |