CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Intra-Train Position and Angle Stabilisation at ATF Based on Sub-Micron Resolution Stripline Beam Position Monitors
Author(s) Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven (JAI, UK) ; Bett, Douglas (CERN) ; Bromwich, Talitha (JAI, UK) ; Burrows, Philip (JAI, UK) ; Christian, Glenn (JAI, UK) ; Perry, Colin (JAI, UK) ; Ramjiawan, Rebecca (JAI, UK)
Publication 2017
Number of pages 4
In: International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 11 - 15 Sep 2016, pp.TUPG15
DOI 10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2016-TUPG15
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A low-latency, sub-micron resolution stripline beam position monitoring (BPM) system has been developed and tested with beam at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility (ATF2), where it has been used to drive a beam stabilisation system. The fast analogue front-end signal processor is based on a single-stage radio-frequency down-mixer, with a measured latency of 16 ns and a demonstrated single-pass beam position resolution of below 300 nm using a beam with a bunch charge of approximately 1 nC. The BPM position data are digitised on a digital feedback board which is used to drive a pair of kickers local to the BPMs and nominally orthogonal in phase in closed-loop feedback mode, thus achieving both beam position and angle stabilisation. We report the reduction in jitter as measured at a witness stripline BPM located 30 metres downstream of the feedback system and its propagation to the ATF interaction point.
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 Record created 2018-04-14, last modified 2018-04-14

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