CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-THESIS-2018-015
Title Simulation and Optimisation of CLIC's recombination complex
Related titleSimulação e otimização do complexo de recombinação do CLIC
Author(s) Costa, Raul (Aveiro U.)
Publication 47.
Thesis note Master : Aveiro U. : 2018-01-09
Thesis supervisor(s) Latina, Andrea ; Barroso, Manuel
Note Presented 01 Feb 2018
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CLIC
Study CLIC
Abstract In this thesis we present the first Placet2 recombination simulations of the drive beam recombination complex (DBRC) design for the compact linear collider (CLIC). We start by presenting a review of the CLIC project and the DBRC’s role and design within it. We then discuss some of the core principles of beam dynamics and how tracking codes like Placet2 implement them. We follow that by presenting the design issues raised by our simulations and our proposed strategy to address them, key among which is a previously unknown parabolic dependency of the longitudinal position to the momentum (T 566 ), which threat- ens the efficiency of the power extraction structures. Through iterative opti- misation of the design, we eliminated this aberration both in the delay loop and in combiner ring 1. We also found the beam’s horizontal emittance to be significantly over the design budget (150 μm) and attempted to meet that budget, reaching 157 μm. In order to obtain this emittance value, an update to the combiner ring 2’s injection scheme was necessary. On the vertical plane, which has the same emittance budget, it was kept at 127 μm.

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 Record created 2018-03-16, last modified 2019-06-03

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