| A transverse deflecting structure (TDS) is a well-known device for characterizing the longitudinal properties of an electron bunch in a linear accelerator. The standard use of such a cavity involves streaking the bunch along a transverse axis and analysing the image on a screen downstream to find the bunch length and slice properties along the other transverse axis. A novel X-band deflecting structure, which will allow the polarization of the deflecting field to be adjusted, is currently being designed as part of a collaboration between CERN, DESY and PSI. This new design will allow bunches to be streaked at any transverse angle within the cavity, which will open up the possibility of new measurement techniques, which could be combined to characterize the 6D phase space distribution of bunches. In this paper, a method is presented for reconstructing the longitudinal phase space distribution of bunches by using the TDS in combination with a dipole. Simulations of this technique for the SINBAD-ARES beamline are presented and the key limitations related to temporal resolution and induced energy spread are discussed. |