CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 26th Rencontres de Moriond : Hadronic Session
Related conference title(s) High-energy Hadronic Interactions
Date(s), location 17 - 23 Mar 1991, Les Arcs, France
Editor(s) Trân Thanh Vân, Jean (ed.)
Imprint Gif-sur-Yvette : Ed. Frontières, 1991 - 529 p.
Series (M ; 70)
ISBN 286332103X
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords Higgs ; QCD ; W ; Z ; coupling constants ; direct photons ; fragmentation ; heavy flavours ; jets ; soft physics ; spectroscopy ; strong interactions ; structure functions ; two-photon physics

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C91-03-17
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

DELPHI results on Z0 decays into heavy flavours (p. 3)
by Stocchi, A
New results on charm hadroproduction (p. 11)
by Adamovich, M I
B quark physics: Recent results from UA1 (p. 23)
by Gronberg, J B
Jet physics with the UA2 detector (p. 57)
by Cenci, P
Measurement of isolated photon production in hadronic Z decays (p. 91)
by Pérez, P
Recent results on direct photon physics from UA2 (p. 99)
by Primavera, M
Prospects of charged Higgs search in top quark decay at Tevatron collider energy (p. 133)
by Roy, D P
Measurement of αsαs from the structure of particle clusters produced in hadronic Z decays (p. 171)
by Saint-Denis, R D
Recent tests of QCD at OPAL (p. 179)
by Azuelos, Georges
L3 results of the strong coupling constant αsαs (p. 189)
by Banerjee, S
QCD results from DELPHI (p. 197)
by Hamacher, K
A determination of the strong coupling constant αsαs from W production at the CERN p¯p¯¯¯p collider (p. 203)
by Pennacchio, E
Muoproduction of J/ψJ/ψ mesons and the gluon distribution in the nucleon (p. 225)
by Rondio, Ewa
Strange and multistrange baryon production in sulphur-tungsten interactions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon (p. 251)
by Abatzis, S
Production of charged kaons in central S + S collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon (p. 257)
by Kowalski, M
Mesons production in pp + U, O + U and S + U interactions at 200 Gev/nucleon (p. 267)
by Abreu, M C
Transverse momentum of dimuons produced in pp - Cu, pp - U, 1616O - Cu, 1616O - U and 3232S - U collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon (p. 271)
by Abreu, M C
Scaling relations : a way out of ambiguity?(p. 335)
by Seixas, J
Higher order Bose-Einstein correlations at ss = 630 and 900 GeV (p. 347)
by Neumeister, N
Charged particle multiplicity distributions in restricted rapidity intervals in Z0 hadronic decays (p. 353)
by Uvarov, V
Inclusive particle spectra measurements with the L3 detector at LEP (p. 367)
by Dhina, M
Z0 --> hadrons : new results from OPAL(p. 375)
by Geddes, N
La dégénération pomeron-odderon et les sections de croix (anti)proton-proton à hautes énergies dans l'approche Regge-eikonal (p. 403)
by Petrov, V A
A review of two photon physics (p. 409)
by Feindt, Michael
Study of p anti-p annihilations at rest into final states with strange mesons (p. 457)
by Kiel, T
Two-body anti-p p decays into all neutral final states (p. 463)
by Folger, G
Search for glueballs in ΩΩ (p. 469)
by Armstrong, T A
3 meson final states in the Crystal Barrel (p. 477)
by Winter, N

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