Hlavná stránka > Luminosity- and Beam- Induced Backgrounds for the FCC-ee Interaction Region Design |
Published Articles | |
Report number | CERN-ACC-2017-160 |
Title | Luminosity- and Beam- Induced Backgrounds for the FCC-ee Interaction Region Design |
Author(s) | Voutsinas, Georgios (CERN) ; Bacchetta, Nicola (INFN, Padua) ; Boscolo, Manuela (Frascati) ; Janot, Patrick (CERN) ; Kolano, Anna (CERN) ; Perez, Emmanuelle (CERN) ; Sullivan, Michael (SLAC) ; Tehrani, Niloufar (CERN) |
Publication | 2017 |
Number of pages | 4 |
In: | 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.WEPIK004 |
DOI | 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-WEPIK004 |
Subject category | Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Abstract | A preliminary study on machine induced backgrounds has been performed for the proposed FCC-ee interaction region (IR) and proto-detector. Synchrotron radiation has the strongest impact on the present design of the IR and both radiation from dipoles and quadrupoles have been taken into account. The effect of luminosity backgrounds like gamma gamma to hadrons and pair production have also been studied. The impact of background particles on the detector occupancy has also been studied in full simulation. |
Copyright/License | CC-BY-3.0 |