CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 21st International Seminar on Theoretical Physics
Related conference title(s) GIFT seminar on Precision tests of the standard model at high energy colliders
International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Location unknown
Date(s), location 4 - 9 Jun 1990, Santander, Cantabria, Spain
Editor(s) del Águila, Francisco (ed.) ; Méndez, Antonio (ed.) ; Ruiz, A (ed.)
Corporate author(s) Grupo Interuniversitario de Fisica Teorica
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1991 - 502 p.
Note Jointly held with the
ISBN 9789810206857
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Free keywords ALEPH ; DELPHI ; Higgs ; L3 ; LEP ; QCD ; e+e- interactions

Contributions in Inspire: C90-06-04.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Precision tests of the electroweak theory, pt 2 (p. 59)
by Kleiss, R H
QCD and jets at LEP (p. 151)
by Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Theory faces experiment at high energy e+e- colliders (p. 205)
by Verzegnassi, Claudio
Perspectives on searching for Higgs physics (p. 287)
by Kane, G L
Polarization at LEP (p. 365)
by Treille, D
Precision electroweak results from ALEPH (p. 385)
by Martínez, M
Analysis of Z0Z0 Events in DELPHI (p. 417)
by Marco, J
First year results of L3 (p. 445)
by Colino, N
Analysis of Z0Z0 Decays into Hadrons and Charged Leptons (p. 467)
by Kawamoto, T

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 Record created 1992-01-15, last modified 2021-07-30

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