CERN Accelerating science

Posters Poster-2017-593

Publication Life Cycle at CERN Document Server

Creator(s): Witowski, Sebastian; Gonzalez Lopez, Jose Benito; Costa, Flavio; Gabancho, Esteban; Marian, Ludmila; Tzovanakis, Harris
Created: 2017
Number of pages: 1 p
Email: [email protected]

This presentation guides listeners through all the stages of publication life cycle at CERN Document Server, from the ingestion using one of the various tools, through curation and processing, until the data is ready to be exported to other systems. It describes different tools that we are using to curate the incoming publications as well as to further improve the existing data on CDS. The second part of the talk goes through various challenges we have faced in the past and how we are going to overcome them in the new version of CDS.

Keywords:   Open Repositories   Invenio   CDS
Related links:
Open Repositories

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The words CERN-Poster-2017-593 must be quoted for each use.

Submitted by [email protected]

 Record creato 2017-07-24, modificato l'ultima volta il 2017-07-25