CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics : ICATPP-2
Date(s), location 11 - 15 Jun 1990, Como, Italy
Editor(s) Borchi, E (ed.) ; Ferbel, Thomas (ed.) ; Nygren, David R (ed.) ; Penzo, Aldo L (ed.) ; Rancoita, P G (ed.)
Imprint 1991
In: Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 23A (1991)
Subject category Engineering
Free keywords calorimetry ; detectors ; hadron colliders ; high energy ; high luminosity ; radiation damage ; readout ; tracking ; triggering

Contributions in Inspire: C90-06-11
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

EMPACT : a detector for high-p$_{T}$ physics at the SSC(p. 24)
by Womersley, J
Comparison of hadronic shower punchthrough and TeV muon dE/dx with calculation (p. 37)
by Kim, B J
Compensation silicon calorimetry for the next generation of hadronic colliders (p. 62)
by Borchi, E
Results from beam tests of UA1 U/TMP calorimeter modules (p. 70)
by Virdee, Tejinder S
Construction and filling of a uranium tetramethyl-pentane calorimeter (p. 80)
by Evans, H G
The L3 BGO electromagnetic calorimeter at LEP (p. 100)
by Ferroni, F
Systematic investigation of the local hardening effect and lateral electromagnetic-shower development (p. 119)
by Borchi, E
Low noise analog CMOS signal processor with a large dynamic range for silicon calorimeters (p. 198)
by Beuville, E
The pad readout electronics of the SLD warm iron calorimeter (p. 219)
by Burrows, P N
Electronic technology and the SLD detector (p. 227)
by Fox, J D
The resistive plate counter muon system of E771 (p. 249)
by Gorini, E
The microstrip gas chamber (p. 254)
by Angelini, F
Light propagation and timing with scintillating fibers (p. 273)
by Stroynowski, R
The ALEPH silicon vertex detector (p. 291)
by Batignani, G
Beauty physics and double-sided Si microstrip detectors (p. 297)
by Batignani, G
Study of radiation effects on AC-coupled silicon strip detectors (p. 340)
by Pitzl, D
Study of operating condition of semiconductors for calorimetry in LHC/SSC radiation environment (p. 352)
by Borchi, E
Neutrons in calorimeter structures (p. 356)
by Stevenson, G R
MHz sampling rate 12-bit low-power analog-to-digital converter for data processing in particle detectors (p. 389)
by Anghinolfi, Francis
A data acquisition and experimental control system for the OPAL experiment at the CERN LEP collider (p. 395)
by Wotton, S A
The D-zero high voltage system (p. 402)
by Yang, M J
Results on GaAs solid-state detectors for high-energy physics (p. 417)
by del Papa, C
Silicon detectors used for beam diagnostics in the LEP collider (p. 419)
by Ferri, G
Interferometric applications in high energy physics experiments (p. 433)
by Fokitis, E
A capacitive displacement monitor system for the DELPHI microstrip vertex detector (p. 448)
by Battaglia, Marco

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 Record created 1991-08-29, last modified 2021-07-30