002244888 001__ 2244888
002244888 005__ 20230314193606.0
002244888 0248_ $$aoai:cds.cern.ch:2244888$$pcerncds:CERN$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT
002244888 0247_ $$2DOI$$9bibmatch$$a10.21468/SciPostPhys.3.1.008
002244888 035__ $$9arXiv$$aoai:arXiv.org:1702.01926
002244888 035__ $$9Inspire$$aoai:inspirehep.net:1512438$$d2023-03-06T19:12:01Z$$h2023-03-14T15:05:20Z$$mmarcxml$$ttrue$$uhttps://inspirehep.net/api/oai2d
002244888 035__ $$9Inspire$$a1512438
002244888 037__ $$9arXiv$$aarXiv:1702.01926$$chep-th
002244888 037__ $$aCERN-TH-2017-028
002244888 037__ $$aCPHT-RR004.022017
002244888 041__ $$aeng
002244888 084__ $$2CERN Library$$aTH-2017-028
002244888 100__ $$aBossard, Guillaume$$uEcole Polytechnique, CPHT
002244888 245__ $$9arXiv$$aFour-derivative couplings and BPS dyons in heterotic CHL orbifolds
002244888 246__ $$9arXiv$$aFour-derivative couplings and BPS dyons in heterotic CHL orbifolds
002244888 269__ $$c2017-02-07
002244888 260__ $$c2017-07-31
002244888 300__ $$a72 p
002244888 500__ $$9arXiv$$a42+19 pages; v3: references added, few misprints corrected, several clarifications in section 2.1 and 2.2
002244888 520__ $$9SciPost Fundation$$aThree-dimensional string models with half-maximal supersymmetry are believedto be invariant under a large U-duality group which unifies the S and Tdualities in four dimensions. We propose an exact, U-duality invariant formulafor four-derivative scalar couplings of the form $F(\Phi) (\nabla\Phi)^4$ in aclass of string vacua known as CHL $\mathbb{Z}_N$ heterotic orbifolds with $N$prime, generalizing our previous work which dealt with the case of heteroticstring on $T^6$. We derive the Ward identities that $F(\Phi)$ must satisfy, andcheck that our formula obeys them. We analyze the weak coupling expansion of$F(\Phi)$, and show that it reproduces the correct tree-level and one-loopcontributions, plus an infinite series of non-perturbative contributions.Similarly, the large radius expansion reproduces the exact $F^4$ coupling infour dimensions, including both supersymmetric invariants, plus infinite seriesof instanton corrections from half-BPS dyons winding around the large circle,and from Taub-NUT instantons. The summation measure for dyonic instantonsagrees with the helicity supertrace for half-BPS dyons in 4 dimensions in allcharge sectors. In the process we clarify several subtleties about CHL modelsin $D=4$ and $D=3$, in particular we obtain the exact helicity supertraces for1/2-BPS dyonic states in all duality orbits.
002244888 520__ $$9arXiv$$aThree-dimensional string models with half-maximal supersymmetry are believed to be invariant under a large U-duality group which unifies the S and T dualities in four dimensions. We propose an exact, U-duality invariant formula for four-derivative scalar couplings of the form $F(\Phi) (\nabla\Phi)^4$ in a class of string vacua known as CHL $\mathbb{Z}_N$ heterotic orbifolds with $N$ prime, generalizing our previous work which dealt with the case of heterotic string on $T^6$. We derive the Ward identities that $F(\Phi)$ must satisfy, and check that our formula obeys them. We analyze the weak coupling expansion of $F(\Phi)$, and show that it reproduces the correct tree-level and one-loop contributions, plus an infinite series of non-perturbative contributions. Similarly, the large radius expansion reproduces the exact $F^4$ coupling in four dimensions, including both supersymmetric invariants, plus infinite series of instanton corrections from half-BPS dyons winding around the large circle, and from Taub-NUT instantons. The summation measure for dyonic instantons agrees with the helicity supertrace for half-BPS dyons in 4 dimensions in all charge sectors. In the process we clarify several subtleties about CHL models in $D=4$ and $D=3$, in particular we obtain the exact helicity supertraces for 1/2-BPS dyonic states in all duality orbits.
002244888 540__ $$aarXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0$$barXiv$$uhttp://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
002244888 540__ $$3Preprint$$aCC-BY-4.0
002244888 542__ $$3Preprint$$dCERN$$g2016
002244888 595__ $$aCERN-TH
002244888 65017 $$2arXiv$$ahep-th
002244888 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aParticle Physics - Theory
002244888 690C_ $$aCERN
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$adimension: 4
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$astring model: heterotic
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$ainstanton: correction
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$aorbifold: heterotic
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$acoupling: scalar
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$adimension: 3
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$adyon: BPS
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$aexpansion: weak coupling
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$amonopole: Kaluza-Klein
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$asupersymmetry
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$aU-duality
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$astring
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$atree approximation
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$aWard identity
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$avacuum state
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$aT-duality
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$aTaub-NUT
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$ahelicity
002244888 695__ $$2INSPIRE$$9bibclassify$$acircle
002244888 700__ $$aCosnier-Horeau, Charles$$uEcole Polytechnique, CPHT$$uParis, LPTHE
002244888 700__ $$aPioline, Boris$$mboris.pioline@cern.ch$$uParis, LPTHE$$uCERN
002244888 773__ $$c008$$n1$$pSciPost Phys.$$v3$$y2017
002244888 8564_ $$81275695$$s720324$$uhttps://cds.cern.ch/record/2244888/files/arXiv:1702.01926.pdf
002244888 8564_ $$81377760$$s552537$$uhttps://cds.cern.ch/record/2244888/files/pdf.pdf$$yFulltext
002244888 960__ $$a13
002244888 980__ $$aARTICLE