CERN Accelerating science

Report number ATL-FWD-PROC-2017-001
Title Detector Control System for the AFP detector in ATLAS experiment at CERN
Author(s) Banas, Elzbieta (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow) ; Caforio, Davide (Czech Technical University in Prague) ; Czekierda, Sabina (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow) ; Hajduk, Zbigniew (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow) ; Olszowska, Jolanta (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow) ; Oleiro Seabra, Luis Filipe (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e F\i sica Experimental de Part\i culas) ; Sicho, Petr (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physics)
Corporate Author(s) The ATLAS collaboration
Collaboration ATLAS Collaboration
Publication 2017
Imprint 06 Feb 2017
Number of pages 8
In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 898 (2017) 032022
In: 22nd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2016, San Francisco, Usa, 10 - 14 Oct 2016, pp.032022
DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/898/3/032022
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Free keywords ATLAS AFP DCS
Abstract The ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) detector consists of two forward detectors located at 205 m and 217 m on either side of the ATLAS experiment. The aim is to measure the momenta and angles of diffractively scattered protons. In 2016, two detector stations on one side of the ATLAS interaction point were installed and commissioned. The detector infrastructure and necessary services were installed and are supervised by the Detector Control System (DCS), which is responsible for the coherent and safe operation of the detector. A large variety of used equipment represents a considerable challenge for the AFP DCS design. Industrial Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) product Siemens WinCCOA, together with the CERN Joint Control Project (JCOP) framework and standard industrial and custom developed server applications and protocols are used for reading, processing, monitoring and archiving of the detector parameters. Graphical user interfaces allow for overall detector operation and visualization of the detector status. Parameters, important for the detector safety, are used for alert generation and interlock mechanisms.
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 Záznam vytvorený 2017-02-06, zmenený 2019-10-15

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