CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1611.09006
Title Precise measurement of the thermal and stellar $^{54}$Fe($n, \gamma$)$^{55}$Fe cross sections via AMS
Related titlePrecise measurement of the thermal and stellar $^{54}$Fe($n, \gamma$)$^{55}$Fe cross sections via AMS
Author(s) Wallner, Anton (Australian Natl. U., Canberra ; Vienna U.) ; Belgya, Tamas (Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest) ; Buczak, Kathrin (Vienna U.) ; Coquard, Laurent (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Bichler, Max (Vienna, Tech. U., Atominst.) ; Dillmann, Iris (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Golser, Robin (Vienna U.) ; Käppeler, Franz (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Karakas, Amanda (Australian Natl. U., Canberra ; Monash U.) ; Kutschera, Walter (Vienna U.) ; Lederer, Claudia (Vienna U. ; Edinburgh U.) ; Mengoni, Alberto (CERN) ; Pignatari, Marco (Hull U.) ; Priller, Alfred (Vienna U.) ; Reifarth, Rene (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Steier, Peter (Vienna U.) ; Szentmiklosi, Laszlo (Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest)
Publication 2017-08-28
Imprint 28 Nov 2016
Number of pages 13
In: Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017) 025808
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.025808
Subject category astro-ph.SR ; Astrophysics and Astronomy ; nucl-ex ; Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment AMS
Abstract The detection of long-lived radionuclides through ultra-sensitive single atom counting via accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) offers opportunities for precise measurements of neutron capture cross sections, e.g. for nuclear astrophysics. The technique represents a truly complementary approach, completely independent of previous experimental methods. The potential of this technique is highlighted at the example of the $^{54}$Fe($n, \gamma$)$^{55}$Fe reaction. Following a series of irradiations with neutrons from cold and thermal to keV energies, the produced long-lived $^{55}$Fe nuclei ($t_{1/2}=2.744(9)$ yr) were analyzed at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA). A reproducibility of about 1% could be achieved for the detection of $^{55}$Fe, yielding cross section uncertainties of less than 3%. Thus, the new data can serve as anchor points to time-of-flight experiments. We report significantly improved neutron capture cross sections at thermal energy ($\sigma_{th}=2.30\pm0.07$ b) as well as for a quasi-Maxwellian spectrum of $kT=25$ keV ($\sigma=30.3\pm1.2$ mb) and for $E_n=481\pm53$ keV ($\sigma= 6.01\pm0.23$ mb). The new experimental cross sections have been used to deduce improved Maxwellian average cross sections in the temperature regime of the common $s$-process scenarios. The astrophysical impact is discussed using stellar models for low-mass AGB stars.
Copyright/License arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0
Publication: © 2017-2025 authors

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