CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Corfu2016: 16th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity
Related conference title(s) CORFU2016
Date(s), location 31 Aug - 19 Sep 2016, Corfu, Corfu Island, Greece
Conference contact Mon Repos
email: [email protected]
fax: +30 210 772 3025
phone: +30 210 772 3034
Editor(s) TBA, TBA (ed.) (TBA)
Imprint 2016
Note Organisers: Aguilar Saavedra, J.A.: U. Granada; Antoniadis, I.: Bern U. and LPTHE-CNRS; Arageorgis, A.: NTUA; Bachas, C.: ENS, Paris; Bakas, I.: NTUA; Barbieri, R.: SNS, Pisa; Dalianis, I.: NTUA; del Aguila, F.: Granada U.; Dvali, G.: LMU,MPI and CERN; Gavela, M.B.: Autonoma U., Madrid; Glover, N.: Durham U., IPPP; Hollik, W.: MPI, Munich; Issever, C.: U. Oxford; Kalinowski, J.: Warsaw U.; Kehagias, A.: NTUA; Koutsoumbas, G.: NTUA; Koutsoumbas, G.: NTUA; Lindström, U.: Uppsala U.; Lüst, D.: ASC LMU and MPI; Miller, D.: U. Chicago; Papadopoulos, C.: NCSR Demokritos; Pittau, R.: U. Granada; Rebelo, M.N.: T.U. Lisbon; Ringwald, A.: DESY; Rodrigo, G.: IFIC Valencia; Sarkar, S.: Oxford U.; Tracas, N.: NTUA; Tsesmelis, E.: CERN; Varouchas, D.: LPNHE-CNRS/IN2P3, Paris; Zanderighi, G.: CERN and Oxford U.; Zoupanos, G.: NTUA
In: PoS CORFU2016 (2017)
Subject category Other Subjects
Free keywords Elecroweak Physics, ; Perturbative and Lattice QCD, ; Heavy Ions/Quark Gluon Plasma, ; Higgs Physics, ; Flavour Physics, ; Neutrino Physics, ; SUSY, ; SUGRA, ; Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC, ; Extra Dimensions, ; String Theory, ; Noncommutativity, ; Standard Cosmology, ; Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, ; Gauge/Gravity Duality, ; LHC, ; ATLAS, ; CMS, ; ALICE, ; LHCb, ; CLIC, ; ILC, ; FCC, ; LHC upgrade, ; Gravitational Waves, ; Supersymmetric Field Theories, ; Supergravity, ; Superstrings, ; Current Applications of AdS/CFT Correspondence, Integrability in Gauge and String Theories, ; Higher Spins, ; Generalized Geometry, ; Black Holes, ; Entanglement Entropy, ; Quantum Information ; Measurement of jets energy scale and resolution ; Boosted jets sub-strucutre in high pT regimes ; Jet plie-up mitigation ; Optimisation of reconstruction of missing transverse energy ; Jet performance in High-Luminosity LHC (prospects)

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C16-08-31.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

External links:
Сваляне на пълен текстConference home page
Сваляне на пълен текстe-proceedings

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status, results and prospects from the MoEDAL experiment at LHC (p. 28)
by Mitsou, Vasiliki A
Reduction of Couplings: Applications in Finite Theories and the MSSM (p. 41)
by Mondragón, Myriam
Latest Higgs Physics results from the ATLAS experiment (p. 46)
by De Groot, Nicolo
First Results on Higgs to WW at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with CMS detector (p. 60)
by Russo, Lorenzo
SUSY searches with the ATLAS detector (p. 133)
by Mitsou, Vasiliki A
Measuring the Unitarity Triangle with LHCb
by Harnew, Neville
Selected LHCb highlights
by Pepe-Altarelli, Monica

Show contributions in CDS

 Записът е създаден на 2016-05-14, последна промяна на 2021-09-20