CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 12th Warsaw Symposium on Elementary-particle Physics
Related conference title(s) Frontiers in particle physics
Date(s), location 29 May - 2 Jun 1989, Kazimierz, Poland
Editor(s) Ajduk, Zygmunt (ed.) ; Pokorski, Stefan (ed.) ; Wróblewski, Andrzej K (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1990 - 761 p.
ISBN 9789810200220
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords CP violation ; QCD ; flavours ; new particles ; rare decays ; standard model ; strong interactions

Contributions in Inspire: C89-05-29.3
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Recent Results from the TRISTAN $e^{+}e^{-}$ Experiments (p. 1)
by Takahashi, K
Experimental status of CP violation (p. 61)
by Holder, M
Recent results and status of the Kamiokande-project (p. 82)
by Takahashi, K
Spin effects in perturbative QCD (p. 110)
by Reya, E
Cosmological and astrophysical evidence of physics beyond the standard model (p. 178)
by Dar, Arnon
The issue of supermmetry breaking in strings (p. 205)
by Binétruy, Pierre
O(alpha$_{s}^{2}$) QCD corrections to the axial part of the Z vacuum polarization (p. 245)
by Kniehl, Bernd A
Testing quantum electroweak effects : role of the weak boson masses(p. 265)
by Hioki, Z
W and Z results from UA2 (p. 288)
by Polesello, G
The K$_{L}$ - K$_{S}$ mass difference (p. 305)
by Gérard, J M
b' phenomenology (p. 330)
by Hou, G W S
Vector mesons and chiral symmetry (p. 336)
by Ecker, G
Higher order corrections to the Wess-Zumino term in chiral perturbation theory (p. 343)
by Bijnens, J
Search for top in UA2 (p. 355)
by Kurz, N
Hunting for an intermediate mass Higgs boson in heavy ion collisions (p. 363)
by Drees, Manuel
Searching for Higgs bosons through FCNC decays (p. 369)
by Hou, G W S
When is a heavy quark not a parton? : charged Higgs production and heavy quark mass effects in the QCD-based parton model(p. 375)
by Olness, F I
Signatures of charginos and neutralinos in Z0 decay (p. 399)
by Bartl, Alfred
Implications of cascade decays for gluino and squark signals at the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 406)
by Tata, Xerxes
Gluon distribution in next-to-leading order (p. 467)
by Lipniacka, A
Nuclear effects in high transverse energy jet production, hadro-, photo- production of J/psi (p. 483)
by Godbole, Rohini M
Left-right symmetric electroweak models (p. 602)
by Olness, F I
R-parity breaking in low energy supergravity models (p. 608)
by Giudice, Gian Francesco
The nonperturbative unification scenario (p. 615)
by Kapetanakis, D
New developments in strong interaction physics (p. 659)
by Ochs, Wolfgang

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 Element opprettet 1990-11-20, sist endret 2021-07-30