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Report number arXiv:1512.05957
Title Technical Design Report for the AMoRE $0\nu\beta\beta$ Decay Search Experiment
Author(s) Alenkov, V ; Aryal, P ; Beyer, J ; Boiko, R S ; Boonin, K ; Buzanov, O ; Chanthima, N ; Chernyak, M K Cheoun D M ; Choi, J ; Choi, S ; Danevich, F A ; Djamal, M ; Drung, D ; Enss, C ; Fleischmann, A ; Gangapshev, A M ; Gastaldo, L ; Gavriljuk, Yu M ; Gezhaev, A M ; Gurentsov, V I ; Ha, D H ; Hahn, I S ; Jang, J H ; Jeon, E J ; Jo, H S ; Joo, H ; Kaewkhao, J ; Kang, C S ; Kang, S J ; Kang, W G ; Karki, S ; Kazalov, V V ; Khanbekov, N ; Kim, G B ; Kim, H J ; Kim, H L ; Kim, H O ; Kim, I ; Kim, J H ; Kim, K ; Kim, S K ; Kim, S R ; Kim, Y D ; Kim, Y H ; Kirdsiri, K ; Kobychev, V V ; Kornoukhov, V ; Kuzminov, V V ; Lee, H J ; Lee, H S ; Lee, J H ; Lee, J M ; Lee, J Y ; Lee, K B ; Lee, M H ; Lee, M K ; Leonard, D S ; Li, J ; Li, Y J ; Limkitjaroenporn, P ; Ma, K J ; Mineev, O V ; Mokina, V M ; Olsen, S L ; Panasenko, S I ; Pandey, I ; Park, H K ; Park, H S ; Park, K S ; Poda, D V ; Polischuk, O G ; Polozov, P ; Prihtiadi, H ; Ra, S J ; Ratkevich, S S ; Rooh, G ; Siyeon, K ; Srisittipokakun, N ; So, J H ; Son, J K ; Tekueva, J A ; Tretyak, V I ; Veresnikova, A V ; Wirawan, R ; Yakimenko, S P ; Yershov, N V ; Yoon, W S ; Yoon, Y S ; Yue, Q
Publication 2015
Imprint 18 Dec 2015
Number of pages 93
Note Comments: 93 pages
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment AMoRE
Abstract The AMoRE (Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment) project is a series of experiments that use advanced cryogenic techniques to search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of \mohundred. The work is being carried out by an international collaboration of researchers from eight countries. These searches involve high precision measurements of radiation-induced temperature changes and scintillation light produced in ultra-pure \Mo[100]-enriched and \Ca[48]-depleted calcium molybdate ($\mathrm{^{48depl}Ca^{100}MoO_4}$) crystals that are located in a deep underground laboratory in Korea. The \mohundred nuclide was chosen for this \zeronubb decay search because of its high $Q$-value and favorable nuclear matrix element. Tests have demonstrated that \camo crystals produce the brightest scintillation light among all of the molybdate crystals, both at room and at cryogenic temperatures. $\mathrm{^{48depl}Ca^{100}MoO_4}$ crystals are being operated at milli-Kelvin temperatures and read out via specially developed metallic-magnetic-calorimeter (MMC) temperature sensors that have excellent energy resolution and relatively fast response times. The excellent energy resolution provides good discrimination of signal from backgrounds, and the fast response time is important for minimizing the irreducible background caused by random coincidence of two-neutrino double-beta decay events of \mohundred nuclei. Comparisons of the scintillating-light and phonon yields and pulse shape discrimination of the phonon signals will be used to provide redundant rejection of alpha-ray-induced backgrounds. An effective Majorana neutrino mass sensitivity that reaches the expected range of the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy, i.e., 20-50 meV, could be achieved with a 200 kg array of $\mathrm{^{48depl}Ca^{100}MoO_4}$ crystals operating for three years.
Other source Inspire
Copyright/License arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0


 Запись создана 2015-12-22, последняя модификация 2021-05-03

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