CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Workshop on Gravitational Lensing
Related conference title(s) Gravitational lensing
Date(s), location 13 - 15 Sep 1989, Toulouse, France
Editor(s) Fort, Bernard (ed.) ; Mellier, Yannick (ed.) ; Soucail, Geneviève (ed.)
Imprint Berlin : Springer, 1990 - 315 p.
Series (Lecture notes in physics ; 360)
ISBN 354052648X
9783540470878 (electronic version)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.1007/BFb0009226
Subject category Astrophysics and Astronomy
Free keywords clusters ; galaxies ; gravitational optics ; large-scale ; microlensing ; quasars ; spectroscopy
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Pictures of gravitational lensing (p. 3)
by Nityananda, R
Determination of cosmological parameters by the gravitational lens effect (p. 13)
by Refsdal, S
Cosmic gravitational diagnostics (p. 16)
by Kovner, I
Gravitational redshifts and lensing by large scale structures (p. 29)
by Nottale, L
What the present observed lens systems tells about the lensing agent (p. 39)
by Narasimha, D
Gravitational lens models with elliptical geometry (p. 46)
by Schramm, T
Amplification near a gravitational lens macro-caustic (p. 49)
by Kunze, W D
Statistics of lensing on extended sources (p. 51)
by Marchandon, S
Observational aspects of gravitational lensing (p. 57)
by Surdej, J
A search for gravitational lensing among highly luminous quasars: observationsl strategy and survey (p. 83)
by Swings, J P
A search for gravitational lensing among highly luminous quasars: new results (p. 88)
by Magain, P
Gravitational magnification effects on distant 3CR galaxies (p. 93)
by Lefèvre, O
0957+561: the time delay revisited (p. 96)
by Falco, E E
The time delay of Q0957+561 A, B from 10 years of optical monitoring (p. 102)
by Schild, R
Application of image processing techniques in a search for gravitational lenses and quasar pairs (p. 108)
by Djorgovski, S
A search for gravitational lenses and quasar pairs and the discovery of a new multiple QSO system (p. 111)
by Meylan, G
Evolution and gravitational lensing in quasar absorption line systems (p. 117)
by Thomas, P A
Preliminary analysis of high-resolution spectra for UM 673 A&B (p. 122)
by Smette, A
Bidimensional spectrography of the â€ワClover leaf” H1413+117 at sub-arcsec: Spatial resolution (p. 124)
by Angonin, M C
The MIT search program for gravitational lenses (p. 127)
by Burke, Bernard F
First epoch VLBI observations of the gravitational lens system 2016+112 (p. 136)
by Heflin, M B
X-ray observations of gravitational lenses (p. 141)
by Kellog, E
Consequences of gravitational lensing for gamma radiation from 3C273 (p. 163)
by Metcalfe, L
Searching for cosmic strings (A la recherché des cordes perdues) (p. 166)
by Hindmarsh, M
Microlensing (p. 175)
by Schneider, P
Microlensing calculations with hierarchical tree code: new results (p. 186)
by Wambsganss, J
Statistical investigations of the amplification near gravitational lens caustics (p. 192)
by Witt, H J
The deconvolution of the quasar structure from the lightcurve of a high amplification event with the regularization method (p. 198)
by Grieger, B
The Hamburg quasar monitoring program at Calar Alto: analyses of micro-lensing variability (p. 203)
by Borgeest, U
Photometric monitoring of 2237+0305 (p. 206)
by Corrigan, R T
Spectrophotometry of 0957+561 and the micro-lensing effect (p. 210)
by Vanderriest, C
IR imaging and the light curve of 2237+030 (p. 216)
by Nadeau, D
Clusters of galaxies: A new observable class of gravitational lenses (p. 221)
by Fort, B
Lensing the background population of galaxies (p. 230)
by Tyson, J A
The redshift distribution of faint galaxies - implications for gravitational lensing (p. 236)
by Ellis, Richard S
The theory and practice of radio ring lenses (p. 244)
by Kochanek, C S
Lens and source models for arcs in cluster Abell 370 and CL 2244 (p. 254)
by Petrosyan, V
Modeling the giant arcs in A370 and A2390 (p. 261)
by Mellier, Y
New results from the gravitational telescope (p. 271)
by Hammer, F
Probing rich galaxy clusters with mini-arcs (p. 275)
by Grossman, S A
Gravitationally lensed arcs as galaxy redshift indicators (p. 280)
by Nemiroff, R J
Spatial correlation in gravitationally lensed images (p. 284)
by Deguchi, S
Optical-infrared studies of arcs in Abell 370 (p. 288)
by Aragón-Salamanca, A
Spectroscopy of arcs in CI 2244-02 and A370 (A5) (p. 291)
by Soucail, G
First results on the spectroscopy of the arc-like object in Abell 2390 (p. 293)
by Pellò, R
Deep photometry of CI.2244-02 in U colour with an electronographic camera (p. 295)
by Wlerik, G
Concluding remarks (p. 301)
by Blandford, R D

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 Record created 1990-09-05, last modified 2021-07-30