CERN Accelerating science

CMS Note
Report number CMS-CR-2015-268
Title Design of a Constant Fraction Discriminator for the VFAT3 front-end ASIC of the CMS GEM detector

Loddo, Flavio (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Abbaneo, D. (CERN) ; Abbas, M. (CERN) ; Abbrescia, M. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Abdelalim, A.A. (Helwan U.) ; Abi Akl, M. (Texas A&M U. Qatar, Doha) ; Aboamer, O. (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) ; Acosta, D. (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Ahmad, A. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Ahmed, W. (Helwan U.) ; Ahmed, W. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Aleksandrov, A. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Aly, R. (Helwan U.) ; Altieri, P. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Asawatangtrakuldee, C. (Peking U., Beijing) ; Aspell, P. (CERN) ; Assran, Y. (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) ; Awan, I. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Bally, S. (CERN) ; Ban, Y. (Peking U., Beijing) ; Banerjee, S. (Saha Inst.) ; Barashko, V. (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Barria, P. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Bencze, G. (Wigner RCP, Budapest) ; Beni, N. (KLTE-ATOMKI) ; Benussi, L. (Frascati) ; Bhopatkar, V. (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Bianco, S. (Frascati) ; Bos, J. (CERN) ; Bouhali, O. (Texas A&M U. Qatar, Doha) ; Braghieri, A. (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Braibant, S. (INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) ; Buontempo, S. (INFN, Naples) ; Calabria, C. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Caponero, M. (Frascati) ; Caputo, C. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Cassese, F. (INFN, Naples) ; Castaneda, A. (Texas A&M U. Qatar, Doha) ; Cauwenbergh, S. (U. Gent (main)) ; Cavallo, F.R. (INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) ; Celik, A. (TAMU, College Station) ; Choi, M. (Seoul U.) ; Choi, S. (Korea U.) ; Christiansen, J. (CERN) ; Cimmino, A. (U. Gent (main)) ; Colafranceschi, S. (CERN) ; Colaleo, A. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Conde Garcia, A. (CERN) ; Czellar, S. (KLTE-ATOMKI) ; Dabrowski, M.M. (CERN) ; De Lentdecker, G. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; De Oliveira, R. (CERN) ; de Robertis, G. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Dildick, S. (TAMU, College Station ; U. Gent (main)) ; Dorney, B. (CERN) ; Elmetenawee, W. (Helwan U.) ; Endroczi, G. (Wigner RCP, Budapest) ; Errico, F. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Fenyvesi, A. (KLTE-ATOMKI) ; Ferry, S. (CERN) ; Furic, I. (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Giacomelli, P. (INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) ; Gilmore, J. (TAMU, College Station) ; Golovtsov, V. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Guiducci, L. (INFN, Bologna ; Bologna U.) ; Guilloux, F. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Gutierrez, A. (Wayne State U., Detroit) ; Hadjiiska, R.M. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Hassan, A. (Helwan U.) ; Hauser, J. (UCLA, Los Angeles (main)) ; Hoepfner, K. (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Hohlmann, M. (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Hoorani, H. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Iaydjiev, P. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Jeng, Y.G. (Seoul U.) ; Kamon, T. (TAMU, College Station) ; Karchin, P. (Wayne State U., Detroit) ; Korytov, A. (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Krutelyov, S. (TAMU, College Station) ; Kumar, A. (Dehli U.) ; Kim, H. (Seoul U.) ; Lee, J. (Seoul U.) ; Lenzi, T. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Litov, L. (Sofiya U.) ; Madorsky, A. (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Maerschalk, T. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Maggi, M. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Magnani, A. (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Mal, P.K. (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; Mandal, K. (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; Marchioro, A. (CERN) ; Marinov, A. (CERN) ; Masod, R. (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) ; Majumdar, N. (Saha Inst.) ; Merlin, J.A. (CERN ; Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Mitselmakher, G. (U. Florida, Gainesville (main)) ; Mohanty, A.K. (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Mohamed, S. (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) ; Mohapatra, A. (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Molnar, J. (KLTE-ATOMKI) ; Muhammad, S. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Mukhopadhyay, S. (Saha Inst.) ; Naimuddin, M. (Dehli U.) ; Nuzzo, S. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Oliveri, E. (CERN) ; Pant, L.M. (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Paolucci, P. (INFN, Naples) ; Park, I. (Seoul U.) ; Passeggio,G. (INFN, Naples) ; Pavlov, B. (Sofiya U.) ; Philipps, B. (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Piccolo, D. (Frascati) ; Postema, H. (CERN) ; Puig Baranac, A. (CERN) ; Radi, A. (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) ; Radogna, R. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Raffone, G. (Frascati) ; Ranieri, A. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Rashevski, G. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Riccardi, C. (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Rodozov, M. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Rodrigues, A. (CERN) ; Ropelewski, L. (CERN) ; RoyChowdhury, S. (Saha Inst.) ; Ryu, G. (Seoul U.) ; Ryu, M.S. (Seoul U.) ; Safonov, A. (TAMU, College Station) ; Salva, S. (U. Gent (main)) ; Saviano, G. (Frascati) ; Sharma, A. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Sharma, A. (CERN) ; Sharma, R. (Dehli U.) ; Shah, A.H. (Dehli U.) ; Shopova, M. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Sturdy, J. (Wayne State U., Detroit) ; Sultanov, G. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Swain, S.K. (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; Szillasi, Z. (KLTE-ATOMKI) ; Talvitie, J. (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; Tamma, C. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Tatarinov, A. (TAMU, College Station) ; Tuuva, T. (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; Tytgat, M. (U. Gent (main)) ; Vai, I. (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Van Stenis, M. (CERN) ; Venditti, R. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Verhagen, E. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Verwilligen, P. (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Vitulo, P. (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Volkov, S. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Vorobyev, A. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Wang, D. (Peking U., Beijing) ; Wang, M. (Peking U., Beijing) ; Yang, U. (Seoul Natl. U. (main)) ; Yang, Y. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Yonamine, R. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Zaganidis, N. (U. Gent (main)) ; Zenoni, F. (Vrije U., Brussels) ; Zhang, A. (Florida Inst. Tech.)

Publication 2016
Imprint 28 Oct 2015
Number of pages 10
In: JINST 11 (2016) C01023
In: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2015, pp.C01023
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/11/01/C01023
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; CMS
Abstract In this work the design of a Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFD) to be used in the VFAT3 chip, currently under design for the read-out of the Triple-Gem detectors of the CMS experiment, is described. Simulations show that it is possible to extend the front-end shaping time in order to fully integrate the GEM detector signal charge whilst maintaining optimal timing resolution using the CFD technique. A prototype chip containing 8 CFDs was implemented in 130 nm CMOS technology to prove the effectiveness of the proposed architecture before its integration in the VFAT3 chip. The CFD design and test results will be shown.
Copyright/License publication: © 2016-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Zapis kreiran 2015-11-03, zadnja izmjena 2022-08-10

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