CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity
Related conference title(s) SRF 2015
Date(s), location 13 - 18 Sep 2015, Whistler, Canada
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Laxdal, Robert E. (ed.) ; Thomson, Jana (ed.) ; Schaa, Volker R.W. (ed.)
Imprint Geneva : JACoW, 2015
ISBN 9783954501786 (electronic version)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract RF superconductivity is the key technology of accelerators for particle physics, nuclear physics and light sources. SRF 2015 covered the latest advances in the science, technology, and applications of superconducting RF. There was also an industrial exhibit during the conference with the key vendors in the community available to discuss their capabilities and products.

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C15-09-13.3
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Higher Order Modes Simulation and Measurements for 2400 MHz Cavity (p. 1394)
by Shashkov, Ya V
Crab cavity and cryomodule development for HL-LHC (FRBA02)
by Carra, Federico
SRF for Future Circular Colliders (FRBA04)
by Calaga, Rama
High flux three dimensional heat transport in superfluid helium and its application to a trilateration algorithm for quench localization with OSTs (MOPB049)
by Junginger, Tobias
CERN’s bulk niobium high gradient SRF programme: developments and recent cold test results (MOPB074)
by Macpherson, Alick
Mode sensitivity analysis of 704.4 MHz superconducting RF cavities (MOPB078)
by Papke, Kai
Cathode geometry and flow dynamics impact on vertical electropolishing of superconducting niobium cavities (MOPB100)
by Ferreira, Leonel
First results of SRF cavity fabrication by electro-hydraulic forming at CERN (THAA05)
by Atieh, Said
A higher harmonic cavity at 800 MHz for HL-LHC (THPB017)
by Roggen, Toon
Bead-pull measurements of the main deflecting mode of the double-quarter-wave cavity for the HL-LHC (THPB019)
by Navarro-Tapia, Maria
Design of a compact superconducting crab-cavity for LHC using Nb-on-Cu-coating technique (THPB048)
by Grudiev, Alexej
Performance evaluation of HL-LHC crab cavity prototypes in a CERN vertical test cryostat (THPB050)
by Hernández-Chahín, Karim
Thermal losses in couplers and ports of a SPS Double-Quarter Wave Crab Cavity (THPB052)
by Verdú-Andrés, Silvia
Electromagnetic Design of 400 MHz RF-Dipole Crabbing Cavity for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade (THPB053)
by De Silva, Subashini
Development of SRF cavity tuners for CERN (THPB060)
by Artoos, Kurt
Engineering design and prototype fabrication of HOM couplers for HL-LHC crab cavities (THPB069)
by Zanoni, Carlo
Design of Dressed Crab Cavities for the HL-LHC Upgrade (THPB070)
by Zanoni, Carlo
FPC and HOM Coupler Test Boxes for HL-LHC Crab Cavities (THPB081)
by Tutte, Adam
Status of the SRF systems at HIE-ISOLDE (TUBA01)
by Venturini Delsolaro, Walter
On the understanding of Q-slope of niobium thin films (TUBA03)
by Aull, Sarah
Developments on SRF coatings at CERN (TUPB027)
by Sublet, Alban
Material quality & SRF performance of Nb films grown on Cu via ECR plasma energetic condensation (TUPB029)
by Valente-Feliciano, Anne-Marie
Low energy muon spin rotation and point contact tunneling applied to niobium films for SRF cavities (TUPB042)
by Junginger, Tobias
Secondary electron yield of SRF materials (TUPB050)
by Aull, Sarah
Development of Nb$_3$Sn coatings by magnetron sputtering for SRF cavities (TUPB051)
by Rosaz, G.
HTS coatings for impedance reduction of beam-induced RF image currents in the FCC (TUPB052)
by Calatroni, Sergio
Characterization of thin films using local magneometer (TUPB058)
by Katyan N.
Design and first measurements of an alternative calorimetry chamber for the HZB quadrupole resonator (TUPB067)
by Keckert, Sebastian
The multipacting study of niobium sputtered high-beta quarter-wave resonators for HIE-ISOLDE (TUPB076)
by Zhang, Pei
The influence of cooldown conditions at transition temperature on the quality factor of niobium sputtered quarter-wave resonators for HIE-ISOLDE (TUPB077)
by Zhang, Pei
Diagnostic developments at CERN’s SRF testing facility (TUPB080)
by Macpherson, Alick
Design of the thermal and magnetic shielding for the LHC High Luminosity Crab-Cavity upgrade (TUPB101)
by Templeton, Niklas
First HIE-ISOLDE cryo-module assembly at CERN (TUPB106)
by Therasse, Mathieu
Development of a test bench to prepare the assembly of the IFMIF LIPAC cavity string (TUPB107)
by Bazin, Nicolas
Commissioning results of the HZB quadrupole resonator (WEA1A04)
by Kleindienst, Raphael

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 Record creato 2015-10-07, modificato l'ultima volta il 2024-02-23

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