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Report number arXiv:1509.02910 ; LBNL-190005
Title LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Conceptual Design Report

Akerib, D S (Case Western Reserve U.) ; Akerlof, C.W. (Michigan U.) ; Akimov, D. Yu. (Moscow, ITEP) ; Alsum, S.K. ; Araújo, H.M. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Bai, X. (Illinois U., Chicago) ; Bailey, A.J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Balajthy, J. (Maryland U.) ; Balashov, S. (Kurchatov Inst., Moscow ; Moscow, INR) ; Barry, M.J. ; Bauer, P. (Fermilab) ; Beltrame, P. (Edinburgh U.) ; Bernard, E.P. (Yale U.) ; Bernstein, A. (LLNL, Livermore) ; Biesiadzinski, T.P. ; Boast, K.E. ; Bolozdynya, A.I. (Moscow, ITEP) ; Boulton, E.M. ; Bramante, R. ; Buckley, J.H. (Washington U., St. Louis) ; Bugaev, V.V. (Washington U., St. Louis) ; Bunker, R. (South Dakota Sch. Mines Tech.) ; Burdin, S. (Liverpool U.) ; Busenitz, J.K. (Alabama U.) ; Carels, C. ; Carlsmith, D.L. (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Carlson, B. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Carmona-Benitez, M.C. (Case Western Reserve U. ; UC, Santa Barbara) ; Cascella, M. (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Chan, C. (Brown U.) ; Cherwinka, J.J. (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Chiller, A.A. (South Dakota U.) ; Chiller, C. (South Dakota U.) ; Craddock, W.W. (SLAC) ; Currie, A. (Imperial Coll., London ; LBL, Berkeley) ; Cutter, J.E. ; da Cunha, J.P. ; Dahl, C.E. (Case Western Reserve U.) ; Dasu, S. (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Davison, T.J.R. ; de Viveiros, L. (LIP, Coimbra) ; Dobi, A. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Dobson, J.E.Y. (Edinburgh U.) ; Druszkiewicz, E. (Rochester U.) ; Edberg, T.K. (Harvard U.) ; Edwards, B.N. ; Edwards, W.R. (LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Elnimr, M.M. ; Emmet, W.T. ; Faham, C.H. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Fiorucci, S. (Brown U.) ; Ford, P. (Rutherford) ; Francis, V.B. (Rutherford) ; Fu, C. (Shanghai, Jiao Tong U.) ; Gaitskell, R.J. (Brown U.) ; Gantos, N.J. ; Gehman, V.M. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Gerhard, R.M. ; Ghag, C. (University Coll. London) ; Gilchriese, M.G.D. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Gomber, B. ; Hall, C.R. (Maryland U.) ; Harris, A. (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Haselschwardt, S.J. ; Hertel, S.A. (MIT) ; Hoff, M.D. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Holbrook, B. (UC, Davis) ; Holtom, E. (Rutherford) ; Huang, D.Q. (Brown U.) ; Hurteau, T.W. ; Ignarra, C.M. (MIT) ; Jacobsen, R.G. (UC, Berkeley) ; Ji, W. (Mainz U.) ; Ji, X. (Shanghai, Jiao Tong U.) ; Johnson, M. (Fermilab) ; Ju, Y. (Nevis Labs, Columbia U.) ; Kamdin, K. (LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Kazkaz, K. (LLNL, Livermore) ; Khaitan, D. ; Khazov, A. ; Khromov, A.V. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Konovalov, A.M. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst. ; Moscow, ITEP ; Tennessee U.) ; Korolkova, E.V. (Sheffield U.) ; Kraus, H. (Oxford U.) ; Krebs, H.J. (SLAC) ; Kudryavtsev, V.A. (Sheffield U.) ; Kumpan, A.V. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Kyre, S. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Larsen, N.A. (Yale U.) ; Lee, C. (Case Western Reserve U.) ; Lenardo, B.G. ; Lesko, K.T. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Liao, F. -T. (Taiwan, Inst. Phys.) ; Lin, J. (Yale U.) ; Lindote, A. (Coimbra U. ; LIP, Coimbra) ; Lippincott, W.H. (Yale U.) ; Liu, J. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Liu, X. (Lanzhou U.) ; Lopes, M.I. (LIP, Coimbra) ; Lorenzon, W. (Michigan U.) ; Luitz, S. (SLAC) ; Majewski, P. (Rutherford) ; Malling, D.C. (Brown U.) ; Manalaysay, A.G. (Zurich U.) ; Manenti, L. (University Coll. London) ; Mannino, R.L. ; Markley, D.J. ; Martin, T.J. (Unlisted, US ; NASA, Houston) ; Marzioni, M.F. ; McKinsey, D.N. (Yale U.) ; Mei, D. -M. (South Dakota U.) ; Meng, Y. (Virginia Tech.) ; Miller, E.H. (New Mexico U.) ; Mock, J. (UC, Davis) ; Monzani, M.E. (SLAC) ; Morad, J.A. ; Murphy, A. St. J. (Edinburgh U.) ; Nelson, H.N. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Neves, F. (LIP, Coimbra) ; Nikkel, J.A. (Yale U.) ; O'Neill, F.G. (SLAC) ; O'Dell, J. (Rutherford) ; O'Sullivan, K. (Yale U.) ; Olevitch, M.A. (McDonnell Ctr. Space Sci.) ; Oliver-Mallory, K.C. ; Palladino, K.J. (Ohio State U.) ; Pangilinan, M. (Brown U.) ; Patton, S.J. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Pease, E.K. (Yale U.) ; Piepke, A. (Alabama U. ; Tokyo U., IPMU) ; Powell, S. ; Preece, R.M. (Rutherford) ; Pushkin, K. (South Dakota U.) ; Ratcliff, B.N. (SLAC) ; Reichenbacher, J. (Alabama U.) ; Reichhart, L. (University Coll. London) ; Rhyne, C. ; Rodrigues, J.P. ; Rose, H.J. (Liverpool U.) ; Rosero, R. (Brookhaven) ; Saba, J.S. (SLAC) ; Sarychev, M. ; Schnee, R.W. (South Dakota Sch. Mines Tech.) ; Schubnell, M.S.G. ; Scovell, P.R. (Edinburgh U.) ; Shaw, S. (Manchester U.) ; Shutt, T.A. (Case Western Reserve U.) ; Silva, C. (Los Alamos) ; Skarpaas, K. (SLAC) ; Skulski, W. (Rochester U.) ; Solovov, V.N. (LIP, Coimbra) ; Sorensen, P. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Sosnovtsev, V.V. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Stancu, I. (Brookhaven) ; Stark, M.R. ; Stephenson, S. (Michigan U.) ; Stiegler, T.M. ; Sumner, T.J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Sundarnath, K. (South Dakota Sch. Mines Tech.) ; Szydagis, M. (UC, Davis) ; Taylor, D.J. (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Taylor, W. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Tennyson, B.P. ; Terman, P.A. ; Thomas, K.J. (LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Thomson, J.A. (UC, Davis) ; Tiedt, D.R. (South Dakota Sch. Mines Tech.) ; To, W.H. ; Tomás, A. (Zaragoza U.) ; Tripathi, M. (UC, Davis) ; Tull, C.E. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Tvrznikova, L. ; Uvarov, S. (UC, Davis) ; Va'vra, J. (SLAC) ; van der Grinten, M.G.D. (Rutherford) ; Verbus, J.R. (Brown U.) ; Vuosalo, C.O. (Ohio State U.) ; Waldron, W.L. ; Wang, L. (Ruhr U., Bochum, Inst. Expt. Phys.) ; Webb, R.C. (Texas A-M) ; Wei, W. -Z. (South Dakota U.) ; While, M. ; White, D.T. ; Whitis, T.J. (Case Western Reserve U.) ; Wisniewski, W.J. (SLAC) ; Witherell, M.S. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Wolfs, F.L.H. (Rochester U.) ; Woods, E. (Harvard U.) ; Woodward, D. (Cal State, East Bay ; LBL, Berkeley ; UCLA) ; Worm, S.D. (Rutherford) ; Yeh, M. (Brookhaven) ; Yin, J. (Rochester U.) ; Young, S.K. (UCLA) ; Zhang, C. (Oak Ridge)

Publication 2015
Imprint 09 Sep 2015
Number of pages 278
Note Comments: 278 pages. Submitted to the Department of Energy as part of the documentation for the Critical Decision Number One (CD-1) management process. Report also available by chapter at
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment LUX-ZEPLIN
Abstract The design and performance of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) detector is described as of March 2015 in this Conceptual Design Report. LZ is a second-generation dark-matter detector with the potential for unprecedented sensitivity to weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) of masses from a few GeV/c2 to hundreds of TeV/c2. With total liquid xenon mass of about 10 tonnes, LZ will be the most sensitive experiment for WIMPs in this mass region by the end of the decade. This report describes in detail the design of the LZ technical systems. Expected backgrounds are quantified and the performance of the experiment is presented. The LZ detector will be located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota. The organization of the LZ Project and a summary of the expected cost and current schedule are given.
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