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Report number CERN-ACC-2015-0077
Title PACMAN study of FSI and micro-triangulation for the pre-alignment of CLIC
Author(s) Kamugasa, William Solomon (CERN) ; Vlachakis, Vasileios (CERN)
Publication 2015
Imprint 2014-10-14
Presented at 13th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA 2014), Beijing, China, 13 - 17 Oct 2014
Subject category Other Subjects
Abstract The alignment precision of linear colliders is extremely demanding owing to the very narrow beam size at the interaction point. Unlike circular colliders, particles in linear colliders have only one chance to collide and are hence tightly focused to maximise the number of interactions per collision. The PACMAN* project is dedicated to study the integration of both fiducialization and alignment of the components on a common support. FSI (Frequency Scanning Interferometry) and Micro-triangulation will contribute to this goal. FSI realized by Etalon AG’s Absolute Multiline system and Micro-triangulation implemented by QDaedalus system developed at ETH Zurich offer precision of 0.5 μm/m and 2.4 μm/m respectively. However, these systems need to be improved in order to provide the necessary geometric information via distance measurements (multilateration) and angle measurements (triangulation), respectively. The paper describes the current status and the future developments of Absolute Multiline and QDaedalus, which are the corresponding implementations of both methods.
Copyright/License Preprint: © 2015-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)
Submitted by [email protected]



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