Radiation tolerance of the readout chip for the phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector (C01003) |
by Hoss, Jan |
Prototyping of an HV-CMOS demonstrator for the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade (C01012) |
by Vilella, E |
GBLD10+: a compact low-power 10 Gb/s VCSEL driver (C01015) |
by Zhang, T |
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger (C01018) |
by Schwienhorst, Reinhard |
Preparing the hardware of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter control and safety systems for LHC Run 2 (C01020) |
by Holme, Oliver |
ATLAS Pixel Detector ROD card from IBL towards Layers 2 and 1 (C01021) |
by Balbi, G |
Design of a Constant Fraction Discriminator for the VFAT3 front-end ASIC of the CMS GEM detector (C01023) |
by Loddo, Flavio |
First performance results of the ALICE TPC Readout Control Unit 2 (C01024) |
by Zhao, C |
LHCb RICH Upgrade: an overview of the photon detector and electronics system (C01025) |
by Cassina, Lorenzo |
A 12 bit 40 MSPS SAR ADC with a redundancy algorithm and digital calibration for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter readout (C01030) |
by Zeloufi, M |
Commissioning of the Upgraded CSC Endcap Muon Port Cards at CMS (C01031) |
by Matveev, Mikhail |
Development of radiation tolerant components for the Quench Protection System at CERN (C01032) |
by Bitterling, O |
Design of Si-photonic structures to evaluate their radiation hardness dependence on design parameters (C01040) |
by Zeiler, M |
The ALICE high-level trigger read-out upgrade for LHC Run 2 (C01041) |
by Engel, H |
Power Distribution for the ATLAS LAr Trigger Digitizer Board (C01042) |
by Lazzaroni, Massimo |
Rad-hard vertical JFET switch for the HV-MUX system of the ATLAS upgrade Inner Tracker (C01043) |
by Fernandez-Martinez, Pablo |
Standardization of automated industrial test equipment for mass production of control systems (C01047) |
by Voto, Adriana |
Low-cost bump-bonding processes for high energy physics pixel detectors (C01050) |
by Caselle, Michele |
Run 2 Upgrades to the CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (C01051) |
by Kreis, B. |
A 65 nm pixel readout ASIC with quick transverse momentum discrimination capabilities for the CMS Tracker at HL-LHC (C01054) |
by Ceresa, Davide |
A new approach to front-end electronics interfacing in the ATLAS experiment (C01055) |
by Anderson, John Thomas |
Deployment of the CMS Tracker AMC as Backend for the CMS Pixel Detector (C01056) |
by Auzinger, Georg |
A New ATLAS Muon CSC Readout System with System on Chip Technology on ATCA Platform (C01059) |
by Yildiz, S.C. |
The clock and control system for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I upgrade (C01062) |
by Xiao, Le |
A CMOS 0.18 μm 600 MHz clock multiplier PLL and a pseudo-LVDS driver for the high speed data transmission for the ALICE Inner Tracking System front-end chip (C01066) |
by Lattuca, A |
Simulation of digital pixel readout chip architectures with the RD53 SystemVerilog-UVM verification environment using Monte Carlo physics data (C01069) |
by Conti, E |
The NA62 Liquid Krypton calorimeter readout architecture (C01070) |
by Ceccucci, A |
A radiation tolerant Data link board for the ATLAS Tile Cal upgrade (C01074) |
by Akerstedt, Henrik |
Transmission lines implementation on HDI flex circuits for the CMS tracker upgrade (C01081) |
by Blanchot, G |
Trigger Algorithms and Electronics for the ATLAS Muon New Small Wheel Upgrade (C01083) |
by Guan, Liang |
New Fast Beam Conditions Monitoring (BCM1F) system for CMS (C01088) |
by Zagozdzinska, Agnieszka Anna |
Radiation hardness of two CMOS prototypes for the ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade project (C02005) |
by Huffman, B T |
Triggering on electrons, jets and tau leptons with the CMS upgraded calorimeter trigger for the LHC RUN II (C02008) |
by Zabi, Alexandre |
The Calorimeter Trigger Processor Card: the next generation of high speed algorithmic data processing at CMS (C02011) |
by Svetek, A |
LOCx2, a low-latency, low-overhead, 2 × 5.12-Gbps transmitter ASIC for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter trigger upgrade (C02013) |
by Xiao, Le |
The new Front End Electronics for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase 2 Upgrade (C02015) |
by Gomes, Agostinho |
Operation of the upgraded ATLAS Central Trigger Processor during the LHC Run 2 (C02020) |
by Bertelsen, H. |
PACIFIC: the readout ASIC for the SciFi Tracker of the upgraded LHCb detector (C02021) |
by Mazorra, J |
MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA equipment evaluation and developments for LHC experiments (C02022) |
by Bobillier, V |
Overview and future developments of the FPGA-based DAQ of COMPASS (C02025) |
by Bai, Y |
The upgrade of the CMS Global Trigger (C02029) |
by Arnold, Bernhard |
Experience from design, prototyping and production of a DC-DC conversion powering scheme for the CMS Phase-1 Pixel Upgrade (C02033) |
by Feld, Lutz Werner |
Level Zero Trigger processor for the ultra rare kaon decay experiment—NA62 (C02037) |
by Chiozzi, S |
The CMS Beam Halo Monitor Electronics (C02039) |
by Tosi, Nicolo |
Front end optimization for the monolithic active pixel sensor of the ALICE Inner Tracking System upgrade (C02042) |
by Kim, D |
Evaluation of a commercial AdvancedTCA board management controller solution (IPMC) (C02044) |
by Mendez, J |
Prototype Active Silicon Sensor in 150 nm HR-CMOS Technology for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrade (C02045) |
by Rymaszewski, Piotr |
CMS DT Upgrade The Sector Collector Relocation (C02046) |
by Navarro Tobar, Alvaro |
65 nm CMOS analog front-end for pixel detectors at the HL-LHC (C02049) |
by Gaioni, L |
Performance of a remote High Voltage power supply for the Phase II upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (C02050) |
by Vazeille, F |
Design of a Hardware Track Finder (Fast Tracker) for the ATLAS Trigger (C02056) |
by Cavaliere, Viviana |
Operation of the enhanced ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger at the start of LHC Run-2 (C02059) |
by Palka, Marek |
The Giga Bit Transceiver based Expandable Front-End (GEFE)—a new radiation tolerant acquisition system for beam instrumentation (C02062) |
by Marin, M Barros |
A Pattern Recognition Mezzanine based on Associative Memory and FPGA technology for Level 1 Track Triggers for the HL-LHC upgrade (C02063) |
by Magalotti, D |
The NA62 spectrometer acquisition system (C02064) |
by Azorskiy, N |
Self-triggering readout system for the neutron lifetime experiment PENeLOPE (C02068) |
by Gaisbauer, D |
The Read Out Controller for the ATLAS New Small Wheel (C02069) |
by Coliban, Radu Mihai |
Ongoing studies for the control system of a serially powered ATLAS pixel detector at the HL-LHC (C02070) |
by Kersten, S |
A front-end ASIC for ionising radiation monitoring with femto-amp capabilities (C02071) |
by Voulgari, E |
A zero-suppression algorithm for the readout electronics of the SciFi Tracker for the LHCb detector upgrade (C02073) |
by Chanal, H |
Development of a Standardised Readout System for Active Pixel Sensors in HV/HR-CMOS Technologies for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrades (C02075) |
by Rieger, Julia |
The Evolution of the Region of Interest Builder for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN (C02080) |
by Abbott, Brad |
Test beam results of a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor using an HV-SOI process for the LH-LHC upgrade (C02083) |
by Fernandez-Perez, S |
The Level-0 calorimetric trigger of the NA62 experiment (C02084) |
by Ammendola, R |
Performance of the new Amplifier-Shaper-Discriminator chip for the ATLAS MDT chambers at the HL-LHC (C02087) |
by Matteis, M De |
SAMPA chip: a new ASIC for the ALICE TPC and MCH upgrades (C02088) |
by Barboza, S H I |
High dynamic range diamond detector acquisition system for beam wire scanner applications (C03008) |
by Sirvent, J L |
Track Finding in CMS for the Level-1 Trigger at the HL-LHC (C03011) |
by Palla, Fabrizio |
Pixel front-end with synchronous discriminator and fast charge measurement for the upgrades of HL-LHC experiments (C03013) |
by Monteil, E |
Polyurethane spray coating of aluminum wire bonds to prevent corrosion and suppress resonant oscillations (C03019) |
by Izen, Joseph M. |
Common Readout Unit (CRU) - A new readout architecture for the ALICE experiment (C03021) |
by Mitra, J |
High speed data transmission on small gauge cables for the ATLAS Phase-II Pixel detector upgrade (C03024) |
by Shahinian, J |
Radiation hard analog circuits for ALICE ITS upgrade (C03027) |
by Gajanana, D |
NaNet-10: a 10GbE network interface card for the GPU-based low-level trigger of the NA62 RICH detector (C03030) |
by Ammendola, R |
The CMS Level-1 Trigger Barrel Track Finder (C03038) |
by Ero, Janos |
GBT link testing and performance measurement on PCIe40 and AMC40 custom design FPGA boards (C03039) |
by Mitra, Jubin |
Performance of the Tile PreProcessor Demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase II Upgrade (C03047) |
by Carrio Argos, Fernando |
The ALICE Central Trigger Processor (CTP) upgrade (C03051) |
by Krivda, M |
Mid-board miniature dual channel optical transmitter MTx and transceiver MTRx (C03054) |
by Zhao, Xiandong |
Development of TORCH readout electronics for customised MCPs (C04012) |
by Gao, R |
Genesis of a workshop (C11007) |
by Bourgeois, Francois |
Trigger Algorithms and Electronics for the ATLAS Muon NSW Upgrade |
by Guan, Liang |
QIE12: A New High-Performance ASIC for the ATLAS TileCal Upgrade |
by Drake, Gary |
Performances of the Remote High Voltage Power Supply for the Phase II Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter |
by Vazeille, Francois |
Performance of the TilePPr demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase II Upgrade |
by Carrio Argos, Fernando |
FATALIC: A Dedicated Front-End ASIC for the ATLAS TileCal Upgrade |
by Royer, Laurent |
Polyurethane spray coating of aluminum wire bonds to prevent corrosion and suppress resonant oscillations |
by Izen, Joseph |
ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) Electronics Operation Experience at High Rates |
by Mistry, Khilesh |
Performance of the Demonstrator System for the Phase-I Upgrade of the Trigger Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters |
by Dumont Dayot, Nicolas |
A New ATLAS Muon CSC Readout System with System on Chip Technology on ATCA Platform |
by ATLAS CSC Collaboration |
Performance of the Demonstrator System for the Phase-I Upgrade of the Trigger Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters |
by Dumont Dayot, Nicolas |
Power Distribution for the ATLAS LAr Trigger Digitizer Board |
by Lazzaroni, Massimo |
The readout electronics of the SciFi Tracker for LHCb detector upgrade |
by Chanal, Herve |
PACIFIC : The readout ASIC for the SciFi Tracker planned for the upgrade of the LHCb detector |
by Mazorra De Cos, Jose |
The PCIe-based readout system for the LHCb experiment |
by Rethore, Frederic |
Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Read-out Electronics for the HL-LHC |
by Newcomer, Mitchel |
Operation of the enhanced ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger at the start of Run-2 |
by Palka, Marek |
A 12bits 40MSPS SAR ADC with a redundancy algorithm and digital calibration for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter readout |
by Zeloufi, Mohamed |
The Read Out Controller for the ATLAS New Small Wheel |
by Coliban, Radu Mihai |
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger |
by Schwienhorst, Reinhard |
Performance of the prototype readout system for the CMS endcap hadron calorimeter upgrade |
by Pastika, Nathaniel Joseph |
Algorithm and implementation of muon trigger and data transmission system for barrel-endcap overlap region of the CMS detector |
by Zabolotny, Wojciech |
The Evolution of the Region of Interest Builder in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN |
by Rifki, Othmane |
Improving the ATLAS physics potential with the Fast Track Trigger System |
by Cavaliere, Viviana |
Operation of the upgraded ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger System during the LHC run II |
by Marzin, Antoine |
A radiation tolerant Data link board for the ATLAS TileCal upgrade |
by Bohm, Christian |
A new approach to front-‐end electronics interfacing in the ATLAS experiment |
by Borga, Andrea |