CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) TWEPP 2015
Date(s), location 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference contact IST Congress Center ( Alameda Campus Civil Engineering building Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Seixas, J (ed.)
Imprint 2015
Note Organisers: Cachemiche, J P; Christiansen, J
In: JINST 10 (2015)
JINST 11 (2016)
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C15-09-28
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Radiation tolerance of the readout chip for the phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector (C01003)
by Hoss, Jan
Prototyping of an HV-CMOS demonstrator for the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade (C01012)
by Vilella, E
GBLD10+: a compact low-power 10 Gb/s VCSEL driver (C01015)
by Zhang, T
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger (C01018)
by Schwienhorst, Reinhard
Preparing the hardware of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter control and safety systems for LHC Run 2 (C01020)
by Holme, Oliver
ATLAS Pixel Detector ROD card from IBL towards Layers 2 and 1 (C01021)
by Balbi, G
Design of a Constant Fraction Discriminator for the VFAT3 front-end ASIC of the CMS GEM detector (C01023)
by Loddo, Flavio
First performance results of the ALICE TPC Readout Control Unit 2 (C01024)
by Zhao, C
LHCb RICH Upgrade: an overview of the photon detector and electronics system (C01025)
by Cassina, Lorenzo
A 12 bit 40 MSPS SAR ADC with a redundancy algorithm and digital calibration for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter readout (C01030)
by Zeloufi, M
Commissioning of the Upgraded CSC Endcap Muon Port Cards at CMS (C01031)
by Matveev, Mikhail
Development of radiation tolerant components for the Quench Protection System at CERN (C01032)
by Bitterling, O
Design of Si-photonic structures to evaluate their radiation hardness dependence on design parameters (C01040)
by Zeiler, M
The ALICE high-level trigger read-out upgrade for LHC Run 2 (C01041)
by Engel, H
Power Distribution for the ATLAS LAr Trigger Digitizer Board (C01042)
by Lazzaroni, Massimo
Rad-hard vertical JFET switch for the HV-MUX system of the ATLAS upgrade Inner Tracker (C01043)
by Fernandez-Martinez, Pablo
Standardization of automated industrial test equipment for mass production of control systems (C01047)
by Voto, Adriana
Low-cost bump-bonding processes for high energy physics pixel detectors (C01050)
by Caselle, Michele
Run 2 Upgrades to the CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (C01051)
by Kreis, B.
A 65 nm pixel readout ASIC with quick transverse momentum discrimination capabilities for the CMS Tracker at HL-LHC (C01054)
by Ceresa, Davide
A new approach to front-end electronics interfacing in the ATLAS experiment (C01055)
by Anderson, John Thomas
Deployment of the CMS Tracker AMC as Backend for the CMS Pixel Detector (C01056)
by Auzinger, Georg
A New ATLAS Muon CSC Readout System with System on Chip Technology on ATCA Platform (C01059)
by Yildiz, S.C.
The clock and control system for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Phase-I upgrade (C01062)
by Xiao, Le
A CMOS 0.18 μm 600 MHz clock multiplier PLL and a pseudo-LVDS driver for the high speed data transmission for the ALICE Inner Tracking System front-end chip (C01066)
by Lattuca, A
Simulation of digital pixel readout chip architectures with the RD53 SystemVerilog-UVM verification environment using Monte Carlo physics data (C01069)
by Conti, E
The NA62 Liquid Krypton calorimeter readout architecture (C01070)
by Ceccucci, A
A radiation tolerant Data link board for the ATLAS Tile Cal upgrade (C01074)
by Akerstedt, Henrik
Transmission lines implementation on HDI flex circuits for the CMS tracker upgrade (C01081)
by Blanchot, G
Trigger Algorithms and Electronics for the ATLAS Muon New Small Wheel Upgrade (C01083)
by Guan, Liang
New Fast Beam Conditions Monitoring (BCM1F) system for CMS (C01088)
by Zagozdzinska, Agnieszka Anna
Radiation hardness of two CMOS prototypes for the ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade project (C02005)
by Huffman, B T
Triggering on electrons, jets and tau leptons with the CMS upgraded calorimeter trigger for the LHC RUN II (C02008)
by Zabi, Alexandre
The Calorimeter Trigger Processor Card: the next generation of high speed algorithmic data processing at CMS (C02011)
by Svetek, A
LOCx2, a low-latency, low-overhead, 2 × 5.12-Gbps transmitter ASIC for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter trigger upgrade (C02013)
by Xiao, Le
The new Front End Electronics for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase 2 Upgrade (C02015)
by Gomes, Agostinho
Operation of the upgraded ATLAS Central Trigger Processor during the LHC Run 2 (C02020)
by Bertelsen, H.
PACIFIC: the readout ASIC for the SciFi Tracker of the upgraded LHCb detector (C02021)
by Mazorra, J
MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA equipment evaluation and developments for LHC experiments (C02022)
by Bobillier, V
Overview and future developments of the FPGA-based DAQ of COMPASS (C02025)
by Bai, Y
The upgrade of the CMS Global Trigger (C02029)
by Arnold, Bernhard
Experience from design, prototyping and production of a DC-DC conversion powering scheme for the CMS Phase-1 Pixel Upgrade (C02033)
by Feld, Lutz Werner
Level Zero Trigger processor for the ultra rare kaon decay experiment—NA62 (C02037)
by Chiozzi, S
The CMS Beam Halo Monitor Electronics (C02039)
by Tosi, Nicolo
Front end optimization for the monolithic active pixel sensor of the ALICE Inner Tracking System upgrade (C02042)
by Kim, D
Evaluation of a commercial AdvancedTCA board management controller solution (IPMC) (C02044)
by Mendez, J
Prototype Active Silicon Sensor in 150 nm HR-CMOS Technology for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrade (C02045)
by Rymaszewski, Piotr
CMS DT Upgrade The Sector Collector Relocation (C02046)
by Navarro Tobar, Alvaro
65 nm CMOS analog front-end for pixel detectors at the HL-LHC (C02049)
by Gaioni, L
Performance of a remote High Voltage power supply for the Phase II upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (C02050)
by Vazeille, F
Design of a Hardware Track Finder (Fast Tracker) for the ATLAS Trigger (C02056)
by Cavaliere, Viviana
Operation of the enhanced ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger at the start of LHC Run-2 (C02059)
by Palka, Marek
The Giga Bit Transceiver based Expandable Front-End (GEFE)—a new radiation tolerant acquisition system for beam instrumentation (C02062)
by Marin, M Barros
A Pattern Recognition Mezzanine based on Associative Memory and FPGA technology for Level 1 Track Triggers for the HL-LHC upgrade (C02063)
by Magalotti, D
The NA62 spectrometer acquisition system (C02064)
by Azorskiy, N
Self-triggering readout system for the neutron lifetime experiment PENeLOPE (C02068)
by Gaisbauer, D
The Read Out Controller for the ATLAS New Small Wheel (C02069)
by Coliban, Radu Mihai
Ongoing studies for the control system of a serially powered ATLAS pixel detector at the HL-LHC (C02070)
by Kersten, S
A front-end ASIC for ionising radiation monitoring with femto-amp capabilities (C02071)
by Voulgari, E
A zero-suppression algorithm for the readout electronics of the SciFi Tracker for the LHCb detector upgrade (C02073)
by Chanal, H
Development of a Standardised Readout System for Active Pixel Sensors in HV/HR-CMOS Technologies for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrades (C02075)
by Rieger, Julia
The Evolution of the Region of Interest Builder for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN (C02080)
by Abbott, Brad
Test beam results of a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor using an HV-SOI process for the LH-LHC upgrade (C02083)
by Fernandez-Perez, S
The Level-0 calorimetric trigger of the NA62 experiment (C02084)
by Ammendola, R
Performance of the new Amplifier-Shaper-Discriminator chip for the ATLAS MDT chambers at the HL-LHC (C02087)
by Matteis, M De
SAMPA chip: a new ASIC for the ALICE TPC and MCH upgrades (C02088)
by Barboza, S H I
High dynamic range diamond detector acquisition system for beam wire scanner applications (C03008)
by Sirvent, J L
Track Finding in CMS for the Level-1 Trigger at the HL-LHC (C03011)
by Palla, Fabrizio
Pixel front-end with synchronous discriminator and fast charge measurement for the upgrades of HL-LHC experiments (C03013)
by Monteil, E
Polyurethane spray coating of aluminum wire bonds to prevent corrosion and suppress resonant oscillations (C03019)
by Izen, Joseph M.
Common Readout Unit (CRU) - A new readout architecture for the ALICE experiment (C03021)
by Mitra, J
High speed data transmission on small gauge cables for the ATLAS Phase-II Pixel detector upgrade (C03024)
by Shahinian, J
Radiation hard analog circuits for ALICE ITS upgrade (C03027)
by Gajanana, D
NaNet-10: a 10GbE network interface card for the GPU-based low-level trigger of the NA62 RICH detector (C03030)
by Ammendola, R
The CMS Level-1 Trigger Barrel Track Finder (C03038)
by Ero, Janos
GBT link testing and performance measurement on PCIe40 and AMC40 custom design FPGA boards (C03039)
by Mitra, Jubin
Performance of the Tile PreProcessor Demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase II Upgrade (C03047)
by Carrio Argos, Fernando
The ALICE Central Trigger Processor (CTP) upgrade (C03051)
by Krivda, M
Mid-board miniature dual channel optical transmitter MTx and transceiver MTRx (C03054)
by Zhao, Xiandong
Development of TORCH readout electronics for customised MCPs (C04012)
by Gao, R
Genesis of a workshop (C11007)
by Bourgeois, Francois
Trigger Algorithms and Electronics for the ATLAS Muon NSW Upgrade
by Guan, Liang
QIE12: A New High-Performance ASIC for the ATLAS TileCal Upgrade
by Drake, Gary
Performances of the Remote High Voltage Power Supply for the Phase II Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
by Vazeille, Francois
Performance of the TilePPr demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase II Upgrade
by Carrio Argos, Fernando
FATALIC: A Dedicated Front-End ASIC for the ATLAS TileCal Upgrade
by Royer, Laurent
Polyurethane spray coating of aluminum wire bonds to prevent corrosion and suppress resonant oscillations
by Izen, Joseph
ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) Electronics Operation Experience at High Rates
by Mistry, Khilesh
Performance of the Demonstrator System for the Phase-I Upgrade of the Trigger Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters
by Dumont Dayot, Nicolas
A New ATLAS Muon CSC Readout System with System on Chip Technology on ATCA Platform
by ATLAS CSC Collaboration
Performance of the Demonstrator System for the Phase-I Upgrade of the Trigger Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters
by Dumont Dayot, Nicolas
Power Distribution for the ATLAS LAr Trigger Digitizer Board
by Lazzaroni, Massimo
The readout electronics of the SciFi Tracker for LHCb detector upgrade
by Chanal, Herve
PACIFIC : The readout ASIC for the SciFi Tracker planned for the upgrade of the LHCb detector
by Mazorra De Cos, Jose
The PCIe-based readout system for the LHCb experiment
by Rethore, Frederic
Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Read-out Electronics for the HL-LHC
by Newcomer, Mitchel
Operation of the enhanced ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger at the start of Run-2
by Palka, Marek
A 12bits 40MSPS SAR ADC with a redundancy algorithm and digital calibration for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter readout
by Zeloufi, Mohamed
The Read Out Controller for the ATLAS New Small Wheel
by Coliban, Radu Mihai
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger
by Schwienhorst, Reinhard
Performance of the prototype readout system for the CMS endcap hadron calorimeter upgrade
by Pastika, Nathaniel Joseph
Algorithm and implementation of muon trigger and data transmission system for barrel-endcap overlap region of the CMS detector
by Zabolotny, Wojciech
The Evolution of the Region of Interest Builder in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
by Rifki, Othmane
Improving the ATLAS physics potential with the Fast Track Trigger System
by Cavaliere, Viviana
Operation of the upgraded ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger System during the LHC run II
by Marzin, Antoine
A radiation tolerant Data link board for the ATLAS TileCal upgrade
by Bohm, Christian
A new approach to front-­‐end electronics interfacing in the ATLAS experiment
by Borga, Andrea

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 Record created 2015-07-06, last modified 2021-09-20