| Tatsumoto, H (JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Aso, T (JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Kato, T (JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Ohtsu, K (JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Hasegawa, S (JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Maekawa, F (JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Futakawa, M (JAEA, Ibaraki) |
| In J-PARC, an intense spallation neutron source (JSNS) driven by a 1-MW proton beam has been constructed. A cryogenic hydrogen system, which provides supercritical hydrogen at the temperature of around 20 K and the pressure of 1.5 MPa to the moderators and absorbs nuclear heating in the moderators, has been completed in November 2007 and the commissioning has been started. As the first step, the primary cryogenic operations were conducted by using helium, instead of hydrogen. We confirmed the soundness of the system at operation temperature, and established the operation method of the cool-down process. The cryogenic tests have been successfully completed without problems. |