CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1412.3589 ; CERN-PH-TH-2014-257 ; TTP14-037
Title Flavoured Dark Matter Beyond MFV
Author(s) Blanke, Monika (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP ; KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP)
Publication 2014
Imprint 11 Dec 2014
Number of pages 9
Note Comments: proceedings of Flavorful Ways to New Physics - FWNP, 28-31 October 2014, Freudenstadt - Lauterbad, Germany
proceedings of Flavorful Ways to New Physics - FWNP, 28-31 October 2014, Freudenstadt - Lauterbad, Germany
In: PoS FWNP (2014) 011
In: Flavorful Ways to New Physics, Freudenstadt - Lauterbad, Germany, 28 - 31 Oct 2014, pp.011
DOI 10.22323/1.220.0011
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract We review a model of quark flavoured dark matter with new flavour violating interactions. This simplified model describes Dirac fermionic dark matter that is charged under a new U(3) flavour symmetry and couples to right-handed down quarks via a scalar mediator. The corresponding coupling matrix is assumed to be the only new source of flavour violation, which we refer to as the Dark Minimal Flavour Violation (DMFV) hypothesis. This ansatz ensures the stability of dark matter. We discuss the phenomenology of the simplest DMFV model in flavour violating observables, LHC searches, and direct dark matter detection experiments. Especially interesting is the non-trivial interplay between the constraints from the different sectors.
Copyright/License publication: © 2014-2025 The Author(s) (License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0)
preprint: © 2014-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

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