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Report number GSI-88-60 ; GSI-PRE-88-60
Title The GSI project : biomedical and radiobiological activities at GSI
Author(s) Kraft, G ; Angert, N ; Blasche, K ; Fischer, B E ; Geissel, H ; Klabunde, J ; Langenbeck, B ; Münzenberg, G ; Schardt, D ; Schwab, T ; Gademann, G ; Wannenmacher, M ; Hartmann, G ; Lorenz, W J
Affiliation (Ges. Schwerionenforsch. Darmstadt)
Publication 1988
Imprint Nov 1988
Number of pages 17
Presented at Workshop on the Potential Value of Light Ion Beam Therapy, Nice, France, 3 - 5 Nov 1988
Subject category Health Physics and Radiation Effects


 Rekord stworzony 1990-01-29, ostatnia modyfikacja 2019-02-21