CERN Accelerating science

Report number FERMILAB-CONF-88-97
Title High performance parallel computers for science : new developments at the Fermilab Advanced Computer Program
Author(s) Nash, T ; Areti, H ; Atac, R ; Biel, J ; Cook, A ; Deppe, J ; Edel, M ; Fischler, M ; Gaines, I ; Hance, R ; Husby, D ; Isely, M ; Miranda, E ; Miranda, M ; Pham, T ; Zmuda, T ; Eichten, Estia J ; Hockney, G M ; MacKenzie, P B ; Thacker, H B ; Toussaint, D
Publication 1989
Imprint Aug 1988
Number of pages 18
In: Nuclear and Atomic Physics at one Gigaflop Conference, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, 13 - 16 Apr 1988, pp.229-245
Subject category Computing and Computers

 Record created 1990-01-29, last modified 2016-06-28