CERN Accelerating science

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Report number INFN-AE-87-4
Title Considerations on installing a strong solenoid in a low energy storage ring
Author(s) Kewisch, J ; Kreiser, H ; Niinikoski, T O ; Önel, Y M ; Penzo, Aldo L ; Rossmanith, R
Affiliation (CEBAF Newport News) ; (CERN) ; (Geneva Univ.) ; (Hamburg U.) ; (Texas Univ. Austin)
Publication 1987
Imprint 1987
Number of pages 15
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Keywords antiprotons ; polarized ; quadrupoles ; skew ; spin ; splitter


 Записът е създаден на 1990-01-29, последна промяна на 2014-12-15

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