CERN Accelerating science

EuCARD Scientific Report
Report number EuCARD-REP-2013-014
Date(s), location
Imprint 2013 - 31 p.
Title A HTS dipole insert coil constructed
Author(s) Ballarino, A (CERN) ; Devaux, M (IFRU) ; Rey, J M (IFRU) ; Stenvall, A (Tampere University) ; Sorbi, M (LASA) ; Tixador, P (CNRS)
WP 7: Super-conducting High Field Magnets for higher luminosities and energies
Task 7.4: Very High Field Insert
Abstract This report is the deliverable report 7.4.1 “A HTS dipole insert coil constructed“. The report has three parts: “Design report for the HTS dipole insert”, “One insert pancake prototype coil constructed with the setup for a high field test”, and “All insert components ordered”. The three report parts show that, although the insert construction will be only completed by end 2013, all elements are present for a successful completion and that, given the important investments done by the participants, there is a full commitment of all of them to finish the project

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 Записът е създаден на 2014-06-12, последна промяна на 2014-06-24

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