CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-EP-86-90
Title Isotope shift of $^{182}$Hg and an update of nuclear moments and charge radii in the isostope range $^{181}$Hg - $^{206}$Hg

Ulm, G ; Bhattacharjee, S K ; Dabkiewicz, P ; Huber, G ; Kluge, H J ; Kühl, T ; Lochmann, H ; Otten, E W ; Wendt, K ; Ahmad, S A ; Klempt, W ; Neugart, R

Affiliation (CERN) ; (Mainz Univ.)
Publication 1986
Imprint 10 Jul 1986
Number of pages 52
In: Z. Phys. A 325 (1986) pp.247-259
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN ISOLDE ; IS80
Free keywords Hg182 ; Hg181-206 ; shape ; staggering ; hyperfine ; structure ; quadrupole

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire

 Record creato 1990-01-29, modificato l'ultima volta il 2013-11-29

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