CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-THESIS-2012-372
Title Analysis and proposal of the new architecture of the selected parts of the software support of the COMPASS experiment
Author(s) Jary, Vladimir (Prague, Tech. U.)
Publication 128.
Thesis note PhD : Prague, Tech. U. : 2012
Thesis supervisor(s) Virius, Miroslav
Note presented Aug 2012
Subject category Computing and Computers
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; COMPASS NA58
Abstract This work focuses on the data acquisition system of the Compass experiment at CERN. At first the database current subsystem that suffered from increased load during year 2009 is analysed. The reasons of problems are identified and new architecture that includes replication, backups, and monitoring for achieving the high availability and reliability is proposed and implemented. Several advanced database features including partitioned tables or storage engines are described and tested. Then, the process of implementation of the remote control and monitoring of the experiment is explained. As the existing data acquisition system is partly based on a deprecated technologies, development of a new architecture has started. We focus on requirements analysis and proposal of a control and monitoring software for the new hardware platform based on the FPGA technology. The software is to be deployed in a heterogenous network environment. According to the proposal, the system is built on the DIM communication library. Roles participating in the system are defined in the proposal, the behavior of actors is described by state machines. First results of performance and stability tests are summarized. Finally, the planned steps including porting on the target hardware are summarized

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Rekord stworzony 2014-02-27, ostatnia modyfikacja 2019-06-03

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