CERN Accelerating science

Observation of the decay Bs0D¯0ϕ - Aaij, R et al - arXiv:1308.4583LHCB-PAPER-2013-035CERN-PH-EP-2013-150
noimg\small Uncorrected signal yields and the peaking (charmless, S-wave) background yields.
\small Feynman diagrams for the following decays: (a) \BsToDphi; (b) \Bs\Dz\Pphi; (c) \BdToDKstar; and (d) \BsToDKstar. The \BsToDphi and \Bs\Dz\Pphi decay amplitudes interfere when \Dzb and \Dz decay to the same final state.
\small Feynman diagrams for the following decays: (a) \BsToDphi; (b) \Bs\Dz\Pphi; (c) \BdToDKstar; and (d) \BsToDKstar. The \BsToDphi and \Bs\Dz\Pphi decay amplitudes interfere when \Dzb and \Dz decay to the same final state.
\small Feynman diagrams for the following decays: (a) \BsToDphi; (b) \Bs\Dz\Pphi; (c) \BdToDKstar; and (d) \BsToDKstar. The \BsToDphi and \Bs\Dz\Pphi decay amplitudes interfere when \Dzb and \Dz decay to the same final state.
\small Feynman diagrams for the following decays: (a) \BsToDphi; (b) \Bs\Dz\Pphi; (c) \BdToDKstar; and (d) \BsToDKstar. The \BsToDphi and \Bs\Dz\Pphi decay amplitudes interfere when \Dzb and \Dz decay to the same final state.
\small Invariant mass distributions for (a) \BsToDphi, and (b) \Bz\Dzb\Kstarz or \Bs\Dzb\Kstarzb decays. Data points are shown in black, the total fitted PDF as solid black line, and the components as detailed in the legends.
\small Invariant mass distributions for (a) \BsToDphi, and (b) \Bz\Dzb\Kstarz or \Bs\Dzb\Kstarzb decays. Data points are shown in black, the total fitted PDF as solid black line, and the components as detailed in the legends.
\small Distribution of the cosine of the helicity angle of the ϕ candidates.
\small Background-subtracted distributions of the reconstructed (left) \Pphi mass from the \BsToDphi decay and (right) \Kstarzb mass from the \BsToDKstar decay. The dashed red line represents the S-wave component, the solid blue line the total fit result.
\small Background-subtracted distributions of the reconstructed (left) \Pphi mass from the \BsToDphi decay and (right) \Kstarzb mass from the \BsToDKstar decay. The dashed red line represents the S-wave component, the solid blue line the total fit result.