| We consider the modifications to squark production in the presence of a naturally heavier Dirac gluino. First generation squark production is highly suppressed, providing an interesting but challenging signal find or rule out. No dedicated searches for supersymmetry with a Dirac gluino have been performed, however a reinterpretation of a "decoupled gluino" simplified model suggests the bounds on a common first and second generation squark mass is much smaller than in the MSSM: $\lsim 850$ GeV for a massless LSP, and no bound for an LSP heavier than about 300 GeV. We compare and contrast the squark production cross sections between a model with a Dirac gluino and one with a Majorana gluino, updating earlier results in the literature to a $pp$ collider operating at $\sqrt{s} = 14$ and 33 TeV. Associated production of squark+gluino is likely very small at $\sqrt{s} = 14$ TeV, while is a challenging but important signal at even higher energy $pp$ colliders. Several other salient implications of Dirac gauginos are mentioned, with some thought-provoking discussion as it regards the importance of the various experiments planned or proposed. |