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Report number arXiv:1306.2045
Title Constraining the Hadronic Contributions to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
Author(s) Masjuan, P. (ed.) (Mainz U.) ; Venanzoni, G. (ed.) (Frascati) ; Czyż, H. (Silesia U.) ; Denig, A. (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Vanderhaeghen, M. (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Venanzoni, G. (Frascati) ; Eidelman, S. (Novosibirsk, IYF ; Novosibirsk State U.) ; Hu, H. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Kloss, B. (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Kupsc, A. (Uppsala U.) ; Pettersson, J. (Uppsala U.) ; Ahmadov, A.I. (Dubna, JINR ; Baku, Inst. Phys.) ; Kuraev, E.A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Volkov, M.K. (Dubna, JINR) ; Voskresenskaja, O.O. (Dubna, JINR) ; Zemlyanaya, E.V. (Dubna, JINR) ; Müller, S.E. (Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf) ; Ping, R.G. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Redmer, C.F. (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Roig (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Sanchez-Puertas, P. (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Nugent, I. (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Przedzinski, T. (Jagiellonian U.) ; Roig, P. (Barcelona, Autonoma U.) ; Shekhovtsova, O. (Cracow, INP) ; Was, Z. (Cracow, INP ; CERN) ; Spiesberger, H. (Mainz U.) ; Tomasi-Gustafsson, E. (IRFU, SPhN, Saclay) ; Wang, Yadi (Frascati)
Publication 2013
Imprint 09 Jun 2013
Number of pages 45
Note Comments: 45 pages, 17 contributions. Editors: P. Masjuan and G. Venanzoni
45 pages, 17 contributions. Editors: P. Masjuan and G. Venanzoni
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract The mini-proceedings of the Workshop on "Constraining the hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment" which included the "13th meeting of the Radio MonteCarLow WG" and the "Satellite meeting R-Measurements at BES-III" held in Trento from April 10th to 12th, 2013, are presented. This collaboration meeting aims to bring together the experimental e+e- collider communities from BaBar, Belle, BESIII, CMD2, KLOE, and SND, with theorists working in the fields of meson transitions form factors, hadronic contributions to (g-2)_\mu and effective fine structure constant, and development of Monte Carlo generator and Radiative Corrections for precision e+e- and tau physics.
Other source Inspire
Copyright/License arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0


 Record creato 2013-06-11, modificato l'ultima volta il 2021-05-20

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