Wohl, Charles G (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. California) ; Cahn, R N (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. California) ; Rittenberg, Alan (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. California) ; Trippe, Thomas G (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. California) ; Yost, George P (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. California) ; Porter, F C (California Inst. Tech., Pasadena) ; Hernández, J J (CERN) ; Montanet, Lucien (CERN) ; Hendrick, R E (Univ. Colorado Medical Center, Denver) ; Crawford, R L (Univ. Glasgow) ; Roos, Matts (Univ. Helsinki ; CERN) ; Törnqvist, N A (Univ. Helsinki ; CERN) ; Höhler, G (Univ. Karlsruhe) ; Aguilar-Benítez, M (Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid ; CERN) ; Shimada, T (Meiji Univ., Tokyo) ; Losty, Michael J (Nat. Res. Council, Ottawa) ; Gopal, Gian P (Rutherford Appleton Inst., Chilton) ; Walck, C (Univ. Stockholm) ; Shrock, R E (State Univ. New York) ; Frosch, R (SIN, Villigen) ; Roper, L D (Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg) ; Trower, W P (Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg) ; Armstrong, Betty (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. California) |
| This review of the properties of leptons, mesons, and baryons is an updating of the Review of Particle Properties, Particle Data Group Phys. Lett. 111B, (1982). Data are evaluated, listed, averaged, and summarized in tables. Numerous tables, figures, and formulae of interest to particle physicists are also included. A data booklet is available. |