Development of a custom on-line ultrasonic vapour analyzer/flowmeter for the ATLAS inner detector, with application to gaseous tracking and Cherenkov detectors (C01002) |
by Bates, R. |
Production, measurement and simulation of a low mass flex cable for multi gigabit/s readout for the LHCb VELO upgrade (C01018) |
by Lemos Cid, E |
Hybrid circuits for the CMS tracker upgrade frontend electronics (C01041) |
by Blanchot, G |
The Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger Processor (C01049) |
by Anders, G |
The Upgraded CMS Preshower High Voltage System (C01050) |
by Vichoudis, Paschalis |
Power pulsing schemes for vertex detectors at CLIC (C01057) |
by Blanchot, G |
Production test engineering in FE-I4 system-on-chip to boost the reliability and high-quality demands in IBL applications (C02003) |
by Zivkovic, V A |
New data acquisition system for the COMPASS experiment (C02009) |
by Bodlak, M |
CMS Level-1 Upgrade Calorimeter Trigger Prototype Development (C02013) |
by Klabbers, Pamela Renee |
SEU tolerant memory design for the ATLAS pixel readout chip (C02026) |
by Menouni, M |
The optical synchronization and link board project, oSLB (C02036) |
by Da Silva, J C |
Quality Assurance and Functionality Tests on Electrical Components during the ATLAS IBL Production (C02048) |
by Jentzsch, J |
Laser and photodiode environmental evaluation for the Versatile Link project (C02053) |
by Troska, Jan |
Status of the NA62 liquid krypton electromagnetic calorimeter Level 0 trigger processor (C02054) |
by Bonaiuto, V |
The Versatile transceiver: Towards production readiness (C03004) |
by Soos, C |
Ongoing electronic development in the CERN Beam Instrumentation Group: Challenges and solutions for the measurement of particle accelerator beam parameters (C03006) |
by Boccardi, A |
Temperature characterization of versatile transceivers (C03007) |
by Olanterä, L. |
The Gigabit Link Interface Board (GLIB) ecosystem (C03012) |
by Vichoudis, P |
Characterization of the FE-I4B pixel readout chip production run for the ATLAS Insertable B-layer upgrade (C03013) |
by Backhaus, M. |
Development of the scalable readout system for micro-pattern gas detectors and other applications (C03015) |
by Martoiu, S. |
Prototypes for components of a control system for the ATLAS pixel detector at the HL-LHC (C03019) |
by Boek, J |
Mitigation of anomalous APD signals in the CMS ECAL (C03020) |
by Bialas, W |
A new readout control system for the LHCb upgrade at CERN (C11010) |
by Alessio, Federico |
Radiation tolerant power converter controls (C11012) |
by Todd, B |
A radiation-hard PLL for frequency multiplication with programmable input clock and phase-selectable output signals in 130 nm CMOS (C12014) |
by Poltorak, K |
An 8-channel programmable 80/160/320 Mbit/s radiation-hard phase-aligner circuit in 130-nm CMOS (C12022) |
by Tavernier, F |
Jitter impact on clock distribution in LHC experiments (C12023) |
by Baron, S |
Development of a readout link board for the TileCal phase 2 demonstrator |
by Muschter, S |
The design of an optical link for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter upgrade |
by Liu, T |
ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) Electronics Operation Experience at High Rates |
by Degenhardt, J D |
Instrumentation of a Level-1 Track Trigger at ATLAS with Double Buffer Front-End Architecture |
by Cooper, B |
The CMS ECAL Barrel HV system |
by Bartoloni, Alessandro |
A new portable test bench for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter front-end electronics |
by Moreno, P |
Testing and firmware development for the ATLAS IBL BOC prototype |
by Wensing, M |
An FPGA based Topological Processor Prototype for the ATLAS Level-1 Trigger Upgrade |
by "Wenzel, V |
The Upgrade of the PreProcessor System of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger |
by Andrei, V |
ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade for Phase I |
by Qian, W |
Performance of the AMBFTK board for the FastTracker Processor |
by Alberti, F |
Design of a New Switching Power Supply for the ATLAS TileCAL Front-End Electronics |
by Drake, G |
Instrumentation of a Level-1 Track Trigger at ATLAS with Double Buffer Front-End Architecture |
by Cooper, B |
Recent developments for the Upgrade of the LHCb readout system |
by Cachemiche, J P |
xTCA developments for the LHCb Readout |
by Cachemiche, J P |
Implementation and Tests of FPGA-embedded PowerPC in the control system of the ATLAS IBL ROD card |
by Balbi, G |
A DC-DC Conversion Powering Scheme for the CMS Phase-1 Pixel Upgrade |
by Feld, Lutz Werner |
Design of a New Switching Power Supply for the ATLAS TileCal Front-End Electronics |
by Drake, Gary |
A new portable test bench for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter front-end electronics |
by Moreno, P |
Development of a Readout Link Board for theTileCal Phase 2 Demonstrator |
by Muschter, S |
Soft Error Recovery during Operation of the CMS Experiment |
by Rakness, Gregory Leif |
The LHCb Silicon Tracker: Running experience |
by Adeva, G |
ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade for Phase-I |
by Qian, W |
Characterization of the FE-I4B pixel readout chip production run for the ATLAS Insertable B-layer upgrade |
by Barbero, M |
An FPGA based topological processor prototype for the ATLAS Level-1 trigger upgrade |
by Bauss, B |
The ATLAS Pixel nSQP Readout Chain |
by Welch, S |
The ATLAS Pixel nSQP Readout Chain |
by Welch, S |
The Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger Processor |
by ANDERS, G |
Development and Implementation of Optimal Filtering in a Virtex FPGA for the Upgrade of the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Readout |
by Stärz, S |
Testing and firmware development for the ATLAS IBL BOC prototype |
by Wensing, M |
Development and Implementation of Optimal Filtering in a Virtex FPGA for the Upgrade of the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Readout |
by Stärz, S |