CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-EP-83-80
Title Photoproduction of K$\overline{K}$pi final states in the photon energy range from 20 to 70 GeV

Atkinson, M ; Axon, T J ; Barberis, D ; Brodbeck, T J ; Brookes, G R ; Bunn, J J ; Bussey, Peter J ; Clegg, A B ; Dainton, J B ; Davenport, Martyn ; Dickinson, B ; Diekmann, B ; Donnachie, Alexander ; Ellison, R J ; Flower, P S ; Flynn, P J ; Galbraith, William ; Heinloth, K ; Henderson, R C W ; Hughes-Jones, R E ; Hutton, J S ; Ibbotson, M ; Jakob, H P ; Jung, M ; Kemp, M A R ; Kumar, B R ; Laberrigue-Frolow, J ; Lafferty, G D ; Lane, J B ; Lassalle, J C ; Lévy, J M ; Liebenau, V ; McClatchey, R H ; Mercer, D ; Morris, J A G ; Morris, J V ; Newton, D ; Paterson, C N ; Patrick, G N ; Paul, E ; Raine, C ; Reidenbach, M ; Rotscheidt, Herbert ; Schlösser, A ; Sharp, P H ; Skillicorn, Ian O ; Smith, K M ; Storr, Kenneth Mick ; Thompson, R J ; La Vaissière, C de ; Waite, A P ; Worsell, M F ; Yiou, T P

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1984
Imprint 16 Jun 1983
Number of pages 20
In: Nucl. Phys. B 231 (1984) 1-14
DOI 10.1016/0550-3213(84)90303-1
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; WA57
Free keywords 10-100GeV ; K%(892)K ; K+K-pi0 ; K0(S) K+ pi- ; K0(S) K- pi+ ; KKbarpi ; cross ; gammap ; phiphi0 ; phiprime(1680) ; section

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire

 Datensatz erzeugt am 1990-01-29, letzte Änderung am 2018-09-24

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